Tuesday, February 10th, 2009
Hey all...well, it is officially Tuesday morning. I have stayed well for a while, but alas, I think I am starting to get sick. My throat is really staring to feel funny. I am getting ready to go to bed pretty soon and hopefully beat this. How is everyone else doing? D -- Edited by ding72 at 00:31, 2009-02-1...
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Ahhh. A Saturday with nothing to do!! Well, except for laundry, grocery shopping, paying bills, finding all the papers we need for taxes, and working on Pride stuff. But, for the most part, nothing to do!! Speaking of Pride... Does anyone want to, or know of anyone who might want to, have a booth...
Mama Lisa
Friday Feb. 6, 2009
Hello people I think that is how a feel at the moment. I am SOOO STRESSED OUT, I am being mean to people around me for dumb insignificant things, I cant sleep but at the same time I can't concentrate enough to do what I should be doing which is: writing my thesis, finishing some experiments, looking for a ne...
caffeinated V
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Morning all. Teddy & I both had very busy days yesterday, and we both slept in a little. So right now I really should be getting ready for work, but instead I'm messing around on the computer. I've been thinking about our other members who were regular posters. Maybe we need to focus on contactin...
Mama Lisa
Tuesday Feb. 3, 2009
So how are you guys doing? Today was a very productive day for myself, finished a number of things. The list is still very long but I feel like I worked all day and will continue for a few more hrs, after a nice long break of course. What for dinner? I am still thinking but it will be cooked in my microwave lol....
caffeinated V
Monday Feb. 2, 2009
Hello people, I hope you are doing great. I didnt have the best weekend and I found some mistakes at work today so I can only hope it gets better :) Hope you all had a great day.
caffeinated V
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Hola! I hope everyone has had a great day! The weather here is beautiful - clear & cool. However, we are pretty tired of the low humidity because we can't touch anything without being shocked. Teddy & I went to a wonderful seminar today by John Holbert called "The Bible Does NOT Tell Me...
Mama Lisa
Friday, January 30th
I am back online! Phone lines were down, but came back last night. Rebecca is staying here with mom and me until electricity comes back on at her house. The state looks like a war zone. Trees down everywhere. Some parts of the city still has no electricity. Water is on and running okay. Work is rough. Stor...
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Morning all! Slept well - no Stupid Dog barking! Yea!! I don't think I'll be too productive today. Staff Chapel at 10:00, followed by th January birthdays celebration, followed by lunch with Alan & Leo. Yesterday I stayed until 3:00 and I was really tired and a little sore after that. Not sur...
Mama Lisa
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Good morning folks! It's always a good morning around here if we aren't awakened in the middle of the night by the stupid neighbor's stupid dog! I guess calling the cops on her the night before made an impact!! Off to work again today. I made it until about 12:40 yesterday before I left. Then made a co...
Mama Lisa
Monday, January 26, 2009
Morning. It's back to work for me. Not that I feel like going... My stupid neighbor's stupid dog woke me up at 4:00am barking. And he continued to bark off and on for about 20 minutes before I finally called the constable. He still barked a few times after that, so my morning sleep was not good. I don...
Mama Lisa
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Just got back from Home Depot & the grocery store with Teddy. That little bit of running around has worn me out. I go back to work on Monday, but I can tell I won't be working full days for a while. I have to keep reminding myself that my body has been through the wringer recently. I want to be 100% plu...
Mama Lisa
Friday, January 23, 2009
It's actually still Thursday, but I figured it would be tomorrow before anyone sees this. Having trouble sleeping tonight. Just listened to a sermon by Adam Hamilton. He is amazing! Check him out sometime: http://adamhamilton.cor.org/ I'm feeling better but still get tired quickly. And if...
Mama Lisa
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Morning All! Up early today because I go back to the doctor. Get to have one final little annoying stitch removed! I'm very excited about that!! Then the schedule for the rest of my day looks like this: Sit on my butt. Take a nap. Sit on my butt. Go to bed. Sounds like a perfect day!
Mama Lisa
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Been a rough day. Going to bed.
Mama Lisa
Monday, January 19, 2009
Morning all! I'm still here kickin'! Well, actually, I'm not doing too much kicking. Teddy has to put my socks on for me! Still pretty sore & still dependant on the Vicodin. But I'm able to take less of them, so that's a good thing. I've been making necklaces & earrings since I've been home...
Mama Lisa
Sunday, January 18th, 2009
Hey yall.... Hows it been going. Mama, I am so glad to hear you are starting to feel better. I will definitely be praying for you. That is what I get for being gone for a while. Sorry...will try and do better. Hope everyone is doing well. Love you all... David
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Morning all. I'm still here. I feel better today than yesterday, but I am definitely still recovering. I'm so glad I live too far away from work for anyone to just drop by. Do not feel like entertaining visitors! I fell asleep around 11:00pm but woke up again at 1:00am. I think I read for a while afte...
Mama Lisa
Friday... some date or other...
Still here. Didn't wake up feeling so great. Staying in bed today.
Mama Lisa
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Hey all. I'm alive. Still can't move without a lot of pain, but Vicodin helps! I slept last night - nothing like your own bed! I didn't sleep AT ALL in the hospital once I got back to my room. They had these things on my legs to prevent blood clots. They inflated like a blood pressure cuff every few se...
Mama Lisa
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Hello everybody, I will start today's thread. I am at work right now awaiting Lisa's call to come spring her from the hospital. She is anxious to get home. She has been up and to the BR already this morning and as soon as she does that several more time she can go. She didn't sleep much last night, so when she...
Lisa update
Teddy just called (11:15a.m.) and Lisa is back in her room. Surgery took a little longer then planned but not much. So far everything looks good. Teddy was going in to see her after he called. He will check back later and let us know how she is doing. Thanks for all your prayers and keep them coming for her a...
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Good morning friends! Thank you all so much for your prayers. I slept well and woke up calm this morning. I even woke up before the alarm! In less than an hour, we'll be leaving for the hospital. I'm sure Mammaws will post an update later today. See you when I get home!! Love you all! Lisa
Mama Lisa
Monday, January 12, 2009
Good morning friends! 24 hours from now I will be on the operating table!! I'm having a hysterectomy tomorrow morning. We have to be at the hospital at 6:00am. Which means I have to get up about 4:30 or so because I have to shower with some kind of special soap. And that means I'll probably go to bed to...
Mama Lisa
Friday, January 9, 2009
Good morning people! I hope you are ready for a wonderful weekend. I'm excited about the weekend, but apprehensive about what follows on Tuesday. It will be surgery time!! But I will be so glad when it's over!! Nothing special going on today. Just work. What about you?
Mama Lisa
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Hola! Fairly quiet day around here. I woke up really late so I didn't get to work until 10! Now I'm about to go to lunch. I live a charmed life!!
Mama Lisa
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Good morning. Up early because the maid comes today. Nothing much going on today. Just work, then dinner at church, followed by working in the music library. It will be a long day. Hope you have a good one! By the way, we do have some new members. If you are new, please say hi! And we'd love for you to go...
Mama Lisa
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Morning all. I didn't sleep well last night. I had a very sad & weird dream about my dad. Very disturbing. And I kept waking up so I got up really tired. It's going to be a long day! Pre-op this afternoon. I should find out how much money I'm going to have to cough up. Not looking forward to that...
Mama Lisa
Monday January 5, 2009
Lets see things to do: -Start traying for two new people in the lab (will be working 3 months) -look for apartments and or roommates (need to move out at end of month) -need to work on lab meeting (present tomorrow on work I did last month) -need to writte chapter 2 of thesis (due to my boss on friday) I need s...
caffeinated V
Sunday, January 4th, 2009
Morning all.... Cant really sleep right now, so I thought I would say hello. So many new years resolutions to work on this year. I hope I keep all of them! D