I am back online! Phone lines were down, but came back last night.
Rebecca is staying here with mom and me until electricity comes back on at her house. The state looks like a war zone. Trees down everywhere. Some parts of the city still has no electricity. Water is on and running okay.
Work is rough. Store is running on generators. Had to throw out TONS of food and milk due to being without power for a whole day. Had to put up several trucks full of groceries. Got so tired that the other guys complained that I was "too slow". I have to work again today.
We're praying for you, Jeffrey! What's the weather like there now?
Well, Thank goodness, it's Friday!! Not that I've worked a whole lot this week anyway. A lot of things could have been worked on by others while I was gone, but that didn't happen. So, I guess, some things just aren't going to get done. Or at least, not get done on time. I feel pretty good these days, but I can tell when I've over done it a little. I get tired & very emotional. You wouldn't believe the things that come out of my mouth while I'm driving!!
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
I hate winter. It makes my depression worse. The argument that happened last night at work is really getting me under my skin. I am going to talk to management about it. Pray that cool heads and common sense will prevail.
I'm really struggling at work, too, Jeffrey. I did something I rarely do today & drove all the way home without any music - just the sound of the tires. I thought of all the ways I love/hate my job & the people I work with. If it wasn't such a good job with lots of benefits...
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich