Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Morning, all. I'm staying home sick today. Teddy & I have been working so darn hard on this house for so long that I think it's just catching up to me. (By the way, Teddy has done about 85% to my 15% of the work!) We painted my home office last night since we are about to get a new floor in there. It loo...
Mama Lisa
Monday October 13th, 2008
Yeah....I have heard all about that Weight Watchers thing....I need to be doing some of that myself.....LOL. Hope everyone is doing well! I am off to bed!! HUGS
David :)
Friday, October 10, 2008
Hi y'all! Just got back from lunch. Went to a place that has somewhat healthy items on their menu. I got a cheese burger!! And fries!!!!! Been kind of crazy around here. Interesting conversation at lunch. I commented that Teddy & I had been doing Weight Watchers before Ike, but decided to st...
Mama Lisa
Thursday October 9, 2008
The Phone goes Green Green, I go Yellow! Hope youre all having a great day! So far it has been a good day for myself. Made it into work before 10 yay. The goal is to be in at work around 9am, the boss would like it better and I may get more done. Adios amigos :)
caffeinated V
Wednesday, October 8th, 2008
Whats up all?? Just checking in....I am doing good...work has been pretty slow...it is a nice change! Whats everyone up to? And how is the hunt for the boyfriend Nick?
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
I killed it!! I ran a report at work & caused the program to freeze up. So now I wait... What are you up to today?
Mama Lisa
Monday, Oct. 6, 2008
Oh, yippee. It's Monday. Just a plain vanilla day at work. My house still needs some attention, but it will have to wait until I get home from work. Ike & the flood have taken too much time to deal with! I wish I could just wiggle my nose & everything be taken care of. What's on your plate today...
Mama Lisa
Good Morning
Haven't seen anybody check in here for a few days so I hope it is because you are busy and not under the weather. Lisa isn't funny how "stuff" grows. When you take it all down to clean and then go to put it back seems you have more then when you started and where did it come from. When I cleaned my hut...
Wednesday. October 1
Checking in... :) And if you need me for the rest of the day I'll be gearing up for tonight's premiere of "Pushing Daisies". :)
Where is everybody??
Mama Lisa
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Hola friends, Just hanging out around the house today. Didn't realize how tired I am until I tried to do a few things outside. Gave up on that. I am too old for this!
Mama Lisa
Friday, September 26, 2008
I think I forgot to tell you this yesterday.... 3 months till Christmas!!!
Mama Lisa
Thursday, September 25th, 2008
Well, its early in the morning.....getting ready to head for bed. My week is over! Off for the next 3 days....have no idea what I am going to do. I want to go somewhere, but I have no idea where!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Hola peeps! Just working today. Carpet won't be installed until Friday, so I took today to do a whole week's worth of work in one day! Staying late to try to avoid some of that HORRIBLE traffic we've been experiencing around here. What's new in your neck of the woods? (What part of the woods is the ne...
Mama Lisa
Tuesday, September 23rd, 2008
Well, it is about 1:10am in the morning, so I thought I would start things off. Got home from work a little bit ago, and having a bite to eat before I head for bed. It has actually been a super week at work so far. It has been so quiet this week...it is like a tomb. It amazes me that last week at this time I was gett...
Monday, September 22, 2008
Morning all! I hope you had a great weekend. We worked our butts off yesterday around the house. In fact, I'm going to stay here today and work off some other body part! This place is driving me crazy!!! The dresser with my under things is in the formal dining room, and I can't even get to my sock drawe...
Mama Lisa
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Good morning, all. David, I'm so glad you are well! We thought about you when they closed the airports. I bet you've been working like crazy. Glad you have a chance to recover. Going to be working around the house today. The church we want to visit still doesn't have power, so we decided to wait one...
Mama Lisa
Friday, September 19, 2008
Slept late this morning. Thought I reset my alarm for one more hour, but ended up changing the time! Woke up and thought it was almost 10:00! It was only almost 9:00!! Didn't get to work until about 10:30. Plan to leave early. I'm NOT sitting in that horrendous traffic again. It's pretty amazing h...
Mama Lisa
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Good morning, friends!!! Just before my alarm went off, I was dreaming about McCain & Obama. When the alarm started beeping, they both stood perfectly still, lifted up their chins, and proceeded to make alien beeping sounds (which, of course, were the sounds coming from my alarm!) Pretty fu...
Mama Lisa
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Back at work. It's really quiet around here, although most people are back. No traffic problems coming in - just some stop lights not working. Life is getting back to normal! Oh, and our AC seems to have been healed!!
Mama Lisa
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Good morning! I'm heading in to work for a while just to get out of the house. Our office is officially closed, but the staff can work if they want to. I'm not too worried about having a lot to do, since all of this part of the world has had our lives placed on hold, but I'm going stir crazy around here. In...
Mama Lisa
Hello from soggy Houston, I thought I would let you all know that Mama Lisa, PapaBear, Alan, Korey , Amy and Mammaws Lett are all in one piece. Ted still doesn't have a house phone so no computer. He uses his cell phone. I just got my phone back about an hour ago. Ted just got lights back. Mine were only out a...
Sunday, September 14, 2008
As if the hurricane wasn't bad enough, we had a huge line of thunderstorms move through early this morning. The water completely flooded the street & managed to get into the house in a couple of rooms. It seeped in below the bricks. But we are fine, the water is receding, and this rain is with a fro...
Mama Lisa
Saturday, September 13, 2008
We are safe! It was a very long & scary night! We lost power about 3:00am, and it rained until about 10 or 11 this morning. We lost a couple of trees, but other than that, everything is fine. We are on generator power right now so I can't stay on. Thank you for your prayers and concern!!
Mama Lisa
Friday, Sept. 12, 2008
Dear Teddy and Lisa, I can't believe that you guys are going to stay there and have a "hurricane party"! I will MOST DEFINITELY be praying for all of you. If the power goes out, remember to have the generator running in the garage, with a window open to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. DO NO...
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Morning! Happy 28th Anniversary to me & Teddy!! We have a romantic day of picking up the yard, putting up plywood, making sure everything's up off the floor, etc. How sweet is that? I'm staying home to avoid massive traffic coming home. Teddy's gone to the office for a short time, then back her...
Mama Lisa
Wednesday September 10, 2008
Hurricanes a coming hurricanes a coming. The last time a hurricane was near by we got to stay home for the day, but this one will be near by for the weekend so :( Well off to an early lunch yall have a good one :)
caffeinated V
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
For some reason, my eyes popped open at 5:00am. I've not been able to go back to sleep (that will come on my drive in to work, I'm sure) so I'm up. Going to try to beat some of the co workers into the office so I can work undisturbed for a while. Be a blessing to someone today!
Mama Lisa
Monday, September 8, 2008
Morning! I hope you had a fun weekend. We did, and I'm sorry it's back to work time. But there are some new possibilities on the horizon, so I'm choosing to face this day with a smile! (Okay, and maybe a yawn or 2 .) We could end up having a very busy end of the week, if Ike decides to pay us a visit. We need t...
Mama Lisa
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Good morning all! Happy weekend! We are gathering the whole fam & taking Mammaws out to eat for her birthday. Teddy & I have already been looking up point values for Weight Watchers at this restaurant we are going to. What really sounds good to me would take every point I have for the day! I...
Mama Lisa