Friday, May 29, 2009
Morning, folks. I'm ready for the weekend, aren't you? Even though I only will have worked 3 days this week. Between the house & all the stuff going on this time of year with the youth, I'm pooped! It will be worth it... it will be worth it... it will be worth it...
Mama Lisa
Thursday, May 28, 2009
This has been a tough week. Between California upholding Prop. 8, and the Methodist church not passing Amendment 1, which would have been nothing more than a step towards changing the wording in the Methodist Book of Discipline to be more inclusive, I really feel that the gay community has been push...
Mama Lisa
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Greetings, Earthlings! What's new? Same old, same old around here. I thought I'd post some pictures so you can see what our life is like these days. This was the living room last weekend (Sat., May 16th) My office as of May 24th. Check out that fancy desk! This is the tile around the new jacuzzi tub. ...
Mama Lisa
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Hi all! Jeffrey, it's good to see you! Congratulations on your transfer! I'm sure that is so much better. Not much going on here. Everything is covered with dust but things are moving along. All the replaced sheetrock has the first coat of mud, which will be sanded & hopefully finished tomorr...
Mama Lisa
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Hola! How is everybody? It feels like I've been gone for so long from here! Life is still pretty much upside-down with the house being so torn up. The bedrooms are almost completely re-sheetrocked, but still have to be taped & floated. Then, of course, textured & painted. And that's ju...
Mama Lisa
Monday May 18, 2009
Yellow people, How is everyone doing? Fantabulous I hope. Yet another Monday, another week . lol I got to work not to long ago and I am ready for a nap, mmm naps. I love to be in bed, many times I just stay in bed even though I am awake, it just feels good. I love to sleep with the AC full blast so it is nice and cold...
caffeinated V
Sunday May 17, 2009
Yellow people, Sorry for making you feel sad Lisa, lol I often look for song lyrics and I saw this one and was like "OMG its my song cool" lol. Any way, I have a long Suday Monday Tuesday morning ahead of me. Fun Fun Fun. I helped a friend move yesterday and I also had some coffee with "guess w...
caffeinated V
Saturday May 16, 2009
Yellow people, I found my song Alone in this house again tonight I got the TV on, the sound turned down and a bottle of wine There's pictures of you and I on the walls around me The way that it was and coulda been surrounds me I'll never get over you walkin' away I've never been the kind to ever let my feelings s...
caffeinated V
Monday, May 11, 2009
Mama Lisa
Sunday, May 10, 2009
It's Mother's Day! Everyone call your mother!! Yesterday was a very busy & tiring day. The destruction of our house has begun. I'll post pictures in General Chit Chat. Today is church, then we are taking Mammaws to lunch. After that, NAP! That's non-negotiable! I hope you all have a great d...
Mama Lisa
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Ugh! I woke up before 5:00 and couldn't go back to sleep! And I have a 6 hour workshop thingy to go to today. I can hardly wait!
Mama Lisa
Friday May 1, 2009
Yellow people, I hope everyone is having a good friday. Just yesterday I noticed I had water damage my self. My car started smelling really funky the last few days and when I lifted my car mats I noticed the flooring was all wet. I'm glad the car is still running, well as best it can. Back to work! have a goo...
caffeinated V
Wednesday April 29, 2009
Yellow people, beautiful day outside today, well as best I can tell by looking out my window.
caffeinated V
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Quack quack!! We are under water! If you are seeing Houston on national news, and they are talking about a neighborhood called Bear Creek, then you are hearing about us! We had 11 inches of rain in just over 2 hours. Started about 2:00am. Fun night! Our entire house had about 4 inches of water in it...
Mama Lisa
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Hey, just 8 months till Christmas!! Jeffrey, sorry about your back. What new job? Victor, it was good to see you tonight. You missed some really good margaritas afterward! Sleeping late... hair cut... grocery store... Wow, I lead an exciting life!
Mama Lisa
Friday April 24, 2009
Yellow people, today is the Unity church concert! So I will be at that tonight. I need finish a report today so I better get back to work. I hope you are all have a great day : )
caffeinated V
Tuesday April 21, 2009
Yellow people, Still at work . Lots to do this next few days. Having 2 cases of wine from Salud is not helping . Hope you all have a great late afternoon.
caffeinated V
Monday April 20th, 2009
What's up people!! Hows it going? Just wanted to drop in and say hello to everyone! Hope things are going good....its going to be another long week at work with all the weather. Love ya'll lots!! David
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Good morning, all! We had a good day yesterday. Gethsemane UMC (where we go to church) and St. Luke's UMC (where I work) came together at Gethsemane for a work day. And, in spite of the rain, we got a lot accomplished. I worked in the music library with the choir director & a few other people that d...
Mama Lisa
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Happy Saturday!!!! Today has been grand!!! Beautiful weather, sunny and 80 degrees!!! Saw "Legally Blonde, the Musical" today, FANTASTIC!!!! I love live musical theater!!!! Gunna watch the race in about an hour. and nursing John through a BAD cold. Have a great weekend all!!!!
24 fan tim
Hello good people!
Hello good people! I'm still getting over a dreadful cold and so I'm missing my music/voice class tonight. It's funny-I was able to sing for Easter services last weekend from Good Friday all the way to Easter Sunday, and now I'm hacking it like coughing is going out of style. How are all of you? Polishb...
Thursday April 16, 2009
Hello everyone, Today was such a bad day for my allergies, at the moment my lungs feel so dry it kinda hurts to breath . Grrr I have lots of work to do and going home and working on my thesis is not going well so I need to stay at school till late. When I go home I just feel like going to bed, and working in bed does n...
caffeinated V
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
It's meeting day!! Woo hoo!! I can hardly wait! Then after work, we hurry to our church for a really early dinner & a baby shower for the pastor's wife (& the pastor). Then I'm supposed to work in the music library, but right now that seems like way too much work! Teddy & I went to the gym la...
Mama Lisa
Easter Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter!!!!!!!! He is risen!!!!! I hope this Easter finds you full of hope and joy!!!! Life is great, with lots to look forward to.
24 fan tim
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Good morning all! Don't you hate going back to work after a 4 day weekend? Just when you are really getting in to that whole relaxing thing you have to jump up and dive in at work. Yuck. But first, I have an early doctor's appointment. Then after work, Teddy & I are going to the gym to work out. I kno...
Mama Lisa
I hope all had a great Easter!
I hope all had a great Easter. May God grant everybody bounty and blessings. You all are in my prayers. Always remember to put your struggles at the foot of the cross. The cross is our identity, not the gay bar. Blessings and Peace, Paul S.
Monday April 13, 2009
Yellow people, I saw the cutest movie over the weekend "the love of Siam". At the end of the movie there was a dedication and it read "to the loves that bring us life". Any way, I have a long week ahead, go victor! go victor! get your butt to work! Hope you all have a good one.
caffeinated V
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Morning! We had a great time last night. First we went to the Good Friday service at church, which was very moving. Then we met the kids at Salud Winery. We drank wine (duh) and munched on fancy cheese & crackers & bread. We told stories & laughed a lot! Teddy even told a story I had neve...
Mama Lisa
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Evidently, with this new medication, I'm destined to wake up early. Got up at 5:20. It's just as well. I have a very early doctor's appointment. What was I thinking? Can't believe Easter is here in a couple of days. It will be 100 degree heat in no time. We better enjoy these nice days while we can! H...
Mama Lisa
Wednesday, April 8th, 2009
Howdy all.... Just wanted to be the first to say hope everyone has a great hump day! Love yall!! D