Please say a prayer for Amy today. She was given a new dog this past Friday, and he passed away this morning. She had him at the vet and we were trying to make the right decision (it was going to be very expensive just to find out what was wrong) and he died on his own. Amy is very devastated.
Please pray for healing for her heart.
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
Oh and everyone here at work is being really nice and caring and supportive. Though, if I am asked "how are you?" or "are you ok?" I start to tear up again.
But people are def nicer to you when you have a big red blochy face and puffy eyes. Someone even offered to buy me icecream.
Sending some late prayers and positive thoughts your way.
God bless you. Darrel
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Did you know I got a dog? If not, I got a dog Friday from Raquel. His name was Joey. Well, Joey started not to eat and I thought it was from the move and then he began to throw up a lot and have really bad poo and it was getting worse. Monday night I start freaking out because he wouldn’t stand up.. I would stand him up and he would just fall back down. I called my dad and he said don’t worry about it and if it keeps going on then take him to the vet. Well the next morning I wake up to take him out. He was sooo weak. He stood up and just collapsed then proceeded to pee all over himself. I then decided to rush to the vet. 3 vets later… I brought him in it was about 8 am and I was just holding him like a baby and when they took his temp it was way below normal and when they pulled the thermometer out from his behind it was covered in blood. His gums were the color of our desks and his breathing was really slow. So they took him back and were trying to help when the lady brought the estimate for what it would cost just for that day. It was almost $800 and I start freaking out cause I couldn’t afford that. There was no way. So I called my mom and she was like you might just have to make a choice (meaning put him down) and obviously I couldn’t do it so while I’m sobbing in the room my mom is calling my dad to see what he thinks I should do and while all of that is happened the vet comes in and says “he’s gone” she told me he started gasping for air.
I am currently dogless. I got his brother and 2 days later he is acting very sick (same symptons as whatever Joey had) so I freak out and the lady who gave him to me took him back and the night I gave him back he was fine. He currently is ok.. minor ear infection but overall - perfect health.
I don't get it.
The vet said that maybe Cody was sick because he had a reaction all the shots he got.