Well, David started serving 6 months today. Some of you received text messages stating it, when I found out. His brother called me and told me what happened.
Can you pray for us both please? That the time may fly by, and mainly for safety and protection for him? If they find out he's gay, he's pretty much dead.
Thanks all. Today isn't the best of days...
*hugs* Darrel
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Prayers for you and David during this difficult time. I can relate as my ex was also in Federal and State Prison for 2 years (twice) for white collar crimes. Be Strong, keep busy and time will go by quickly.
Please send Darrel's boyfriend guardian angels to watch over him as he spends time in jail. Whatever is the reason for his incarceration, minister to him and show him of Your great love for him. Let him know that whenever we hit rock bottom in life, YOU are there to hug us and love us and bring us back up again. Let his heart be cleansed and sanctified from any sins that have taken over it, and give him the new life of light that can only be found in Your Son, Jesus. For in his blessed name, I pray. Amen.
Hang in there, buddy. This has been a bad week for me too. I hope that you will stay strong and learn to lean on God and His word as you try to give yourself some comfort and reassurance during this hard time within your life. Don't ever be afraid to reach out for help. We are here for you.
Wow, that's very heavy! My only concern, to be honest aside from David being in jail of course, is what will happen to you two once he gets out, this must change things. How are you doing right now?
Be yourself!!! Don't try to fit into someone else's mold, you won't fit!!! And that just leads to utter misery!!! Live life to it's fullest in Christ's love every day!!!