I've been reading "Money Secrets" by Dave Barry. He is hilarious, if you are looking for something fun to read. There was a story in the book that I thought I would share. Ding, does this remind you of anyone?
"Sometimes these people don't put in enough even to cover their share of the bill. In my early days in the newspaper business, I used to go to lunch with a group of young reporters that included a guy named Art, who never came close to putting in enough money. Art had some specific amount in his head, like $2.35, that he believed all his meals were supposed to cost. No matter where we ate, and no matter what we ordered, when the bill came, Art would put in his $2.35. Sometimes somebody would call him on this, pointing out, "Art, there are six of us, and the bill is $87.50, and you had two cheeseburgers, an order of onion rings, and six beers." And so Art, very reluctantly, like a man parting with his lone remaining kidney, would grudgingly toss in another quarter.
You don't want to be like that, because it's unfair to the server and to your friends, and years later one of them could write a book and ridicule you using your real name. No, you always want to pay your fair share of the bill, and you want to add at least a 15 percent tip for decent service."
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
LOL...oh my goodness....how funny Mama Lisa... You know sometimes you just wonder if people have any social skills whatsoever!! That is a great article!!