Well, it's not so much a promotion as a different job code with a tiny, tiny boost in pay.
Anyway, there's a good chance that I will be having the custodian job full-time, instead of the assembly line work I do now.
If that's the case, then my carpal tunnel will be at bay...my happiness will shoot through the roof--I'd actually like my job...I'd be getting a LOT more exercise....
It just depends on what happens this week. A lady from nights, might go to days. Me and the other lady from nights are trying to convince her to go.
Pray, and pray hard.
*hugs* Darrel
College would be soooo much easier with this job. It's the same hours....but, if we get done early--I'd have an hour or two to study every night. Yay!!!
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Help Darrel get this new job so that he can have the ability to go to college classes, as well as make a little more money, and get better health. Darrel wants to follow You with his whole heart, wanting to grow more and more in Your love and knowledge. Bless him, Lord. Make his life a testimony of what a Christian is supposed to be like. Let prosperity and peace fall upon him and all those that work with him. For in Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.
I hope everything goes well with your work and school!