It can be as little as my sister saying something like "may be you need to leave your GLBT church because they are just confusing you"- all the way to some one offering money to kill gay people. I feel like I am so weak, everything hurts and makes me break down sometimes.
Press reports coming out of Jerusalem indicate that flyers have arrived in the mailboxes of Israeli citizens offering what amounts to $4,500 to anyone who kills a gay person who comes to the Holy City for the World Pride celebration scheduled for August 6–12. The flyer reportedly refers to gays as “corrupt animals” who seek to defile as many Israeli children as possible. Did Dobson, Falwell, or Robertson write this Goebbels-like propaganda, by chance?
Someone put a rainbow flag up on their house on a very prominent street. I pass it on my way to and from work and it always made me smile. Today as I passed I noticed that someone had broken it down.
My first reaction was to think, "Well, you know it was inevitable". What gets me down is my reaction. Unfortunately God didn't give me the gift of righteous anger.
Why should something like that be inevitable?
It took martyrs for Christianity to survive in its infancy. People who were willing to stand up and take serious risks. Let us go to Jerusalem and hold our head up high, not boasting in ourselves, but in Christ who saves us.
When they call us animals, they are calling themselves animals, because we are all of the same human nature. We are all made by the same God. How dare they profane God's creation and try to create divisions when divisions do not need to exist.
Shema Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad.
Hear, O Israel! The LORD is Our God! The LORD is One.
Our Lord Christ's family lineage as recorded in the Gospel of St Matthew included a homosexual and three prostitutes... the stories of these four people are all in the Bible (Old Testament) as well. Regardless of what someone thinks of other people, who do you think Jesus would embrace? Upon whom would Jesus pronounce his condemnations (the Woes, or "Woe unto you Pharisees who...") The persecutors? Or the persecuted?
The TORAH records in the Commandments: "Thou shalt do no murder."
Matthew 22:37-40 says:
"Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."
Where better to worship our God than at the Holy City of Jerusalem.
$4500!!! I am ONLY worth $4500!!! That's INSULTING!!!
I am worth, at least, $10,000!
What is so interesting about this is that Jews were hunted down in this fashion back in Nazi Germany. Think about it! Jews acting like NAZIS! When did the Star of David become substituted with a SWASTIKA?
Religious people are the best living proof of the existence of hell.
And it wouldn't surprise me if the place is just FULL of them!