It’s been a trying week, and will be a bumpy ride for the next month at least. This past weekend started off with a bang, when the guy I was dating received an offer he could not refuse, whereby his family would pay for his college education in Mexico. Since this was a long-term commitment for schooling, we decided to end our relationship. I am at peace with this and accepting of what has happened.
The loan commitment that I made to purchase my condo, is almost up. I believe that God led me to Palm Springs as he opened doors for me to purchase the condo two years ago with no money down. The person, who got my original loan financed, contacted me three weeks ago (out of the blue?) to tell me he is back in the mortgage business with a new company. We started the preliminary work, but found 4 major hiccups on my credit report that have been renewed yearly since 2000, making my conventional financing more of a challenge. I know that I will be able to dispute two of them and get them removed, but the other 2 will be more difficult to challenge (three of them are fall-out from an ex-partner who used my credit/credit cards/bank account/money to his advantage) and represent a significant amount of money. My goal was to combine two loans into one. The worse that could happen are my payments would remain the same or be slightly higher, but my prayers are for a lower payment. I would be happy with $25.00 or more. This process will be ongoing until August 31, 2006, at which time my loan should be locked in. I am trying not to stress out about this, and leave it in God’s hands, although I find it difficult.
Tonight my sister called and told me that my mom, who I saw 2 weeks ago, was hospitalized in Chicago with pneumonia. She suffers from dementia (age related as she is now in her 80’s). Additionally, (just happened since last Thursday) she is delusional which compounds all the problems. She is bedridden, cannot walk and get around due to osteoporosis of the back and related back injuries she sustained as a child. She screams of severe pain even one someone lightly touches her. Prayers for peace and relief from pain would be needed. Somehow I get the feeling that this is the beginning of the end, but stranger things happen and she could continue to hang on.
Thanks for your prayers and support. If you can keep these two items in your prayers until August 31, 2006 it would be greatly appreciated.
Dave is going through some major transitions within his life. He needs help with this loan, he needs comforting for the end of his relationship with his boyfriend, as he goes to school in Mexico, and his mother is getting sicker with each passing day. Please bless him and his family as they undergo these hard trials to their faith. Be with them and give them the assurance that You will never leave them, or let them go. Whatever it is YOUR will for his sick mom, Lord, I know that You will make sure that there are angels around her to give her peace and comfort to lift her spirit up as she faces each hard day. Bless them, Lord Jesus. For in Your name, I pray. Amen.
I don't know what to say. You have a lot on your plate. I am so sorry to hear of the end of your relationship. I know how much this can hurt, especially when you thought that this one was "the one".
I will definitely pray for your mother and your finacial situation.
Be yourself!!! Don't try to fit into someone else's mold, you won't fit!!! And that just leads to utter misery!!! Live life to it's fullest in Christ's love every day!!!
Thanks for your prayers. She was released from the hostpital last night, and sent back to her home and the care of the housekeeper. She was actually rather lucid last night considering on Sunday she thought she was at the job she held until 1994. She recognized the house, housekeeper, and my sister. She is however in a fragile condition.
Thanks for your prayers on this avenue. Only time will tell what happens next.
Update on me: I won't find out about my financing until next week, and also will have a 3-4 week road ahead trying to get some hiccups off my credit report. I'm hanging in there. Thanks for your prayers on that issue too.
I have been incommunicado the past 2 weeks. Mom passed away in the hospital in Chicago on August 24, 2006 at 9:15 PM. She came home only for 3 days and was sent back to the hospital for a staf infection. Which contributed to her passing.
On the day she passed, my sister was planning to bring her back to her home for hospice care. My sister and I discussed this all during the day on the 24th. I just had this crazy urge to ask for free tickets on an airline that gives us bennies (24th), just to shoot in to Chicago the following evening (Friday) just to see her and return the following night. I was not in time. Prayers were answered for a peaceful passing. I think we all get a preminition on the impending loss of a family member.
I have also locked into my re-finance. Although it is not exactly what I want it is only 18 dollars more than I am paying now and is a 30 year fixed loan. Prayers here too have been answered.
Dave, I'm so sorry about you losing your mom. I know you will miss her, until you see her again in person!
I'll be praying for you and the rest of your family. It's amazing how a person's life continues for a while after they are gone. You family will have lots to deal with. Remember you are not alone - you've got us all tagging along with you!!
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
Hey have my deepest sympathy concerning your loss. It is always so hard to loose a loved on. I will be praying that God will hold you in HIS hand, and surround you with HIS peace.
I am so sorry to hear about your losing your mom. I began to lose my daddy on 9-11, also to an infection that he got from the operating on his colon cancer. It is so hard to go through something like this, but I too was relieved to see my dad's suffering come to an end on the following Halloween, when he finally left this world to be with Jesus.
You feel shock at first: "he just can't be gone"...and then you start to feel anger: "God, why did you let him die?!"...and then you feel the loss: "I will never see or talk to him again, at least not until it's my time to go". You feel all of these things and you wonder if your losing your mind. But the truth is that what you are experiencing is normal; you are just trying to "feel" your way through this.
God will be there for you. And so are all of us. We are all here to help you get through this ordeal. Don't be afraid to let us know how things are with you and your family.
You are a member of OUR family! We love you! And are praying for you and your family's comfort.