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[Probably] Gother Than Thou

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Anyone else here think western Christians suck?

Yeah sorry another incident with my roommate.

We've had torrential rains now for 2 days and my car doesn't behave well in it (this not revealed to me by the western Christian guy who sold me my car - and refuses to speak with me because he claims I "treat him like a jerk" because I always insist he fix things wrong with my car per our agreement - but I digress), so I drove straight home from work

My roommate decides to block both of our assigned parking spaces with his oversized pickup truck.  I can't park there or anywhere near there, so I have to park down the street instead.  I called him to tell him to move his truck so I can park in front of the house because it's raining rather hard.

He doesn't pick up the phone.  Our phone has caller ID.  He never, ever, ever speaks to me directly (he loves to leave notes instead).  Hence he never picks up the phone if it's me, whether I call the house or his cell (which I did, once again, to no avail)..

This is yet another day in the life of Phil with western Christians (who are obviously neither gay nor goth nor anything else).  My roommate loves to leave nasty notes if I leave the laundry downstairs longer than a day; he leaves his laundry downstairs for days on end and throws away any note I leave him to award me the same courtesy I must award him.

Oh did I mention that he's a Bible study leader too at his church?

This doesn't make it any more pleasant that people at my church sped right past me last night as my car was stalled out - considering earlier that day people (as usual) in the church walked around me in a wide birth so it just added to it.

Sorry, just getting fed up with western Christianity today!


[insert witty 9th-century-related signature here]

He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart. Isaiah 40:11

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Hi Phil,

I'm sorry you've had such a bad couple of days.  Don't you hate rainy days?  Unless you are home in bed...

I don't understand your use of the word "western".  From California?  John Wayne types?  Brokeback wannabes? 

One of the things I'm learning in this new Bible study we are in, besides the fact that all these people are WAY, WAY above me intellectually, is that you can't use generalizations like that.  You lose the argument before you even begin when you do that.  How about saying, "I'm having trouble with some of my friends..."  That way, you don't lump all of us here at TSA with those that suck!


Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected.
                                                                       ~Paul Tillich

[Probably] Gother Than Thou

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Lisa, they're not my friends.  I find it grossly insulting to think I'd have friends that evil.

Western Christians refer to Christians in the Western Hemisphere (Europe, North America mostly) who follow more of the traditions of western-style Judeo-Christianity.

In short, Right-wing Conservative, oh and usually totally totally anti-gay!


[insert witty 9th-century-related signature here]

Defender of Truth, Justice and the American GAY!

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I feel for ya, dude! When it comes to "Jesus: American-style", these type of "Christians" (what they really are are a bunch of lost, selfish and self-centered HEATHENS!) are doing more harm to the true gospel message of Christ than any gay marriage, abortion clinic or "DaVinci Code" book COMBINED!

Western Civilization is collapsing because of the tyranny of the Phelpses within the church...NOT because I like to SMOOCH another guy!


With God, ALL things are possible...

He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart. Isaiah 40:11

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Okay, I'm not trying to moderate here, but I have to say something.  We need to remember that none of us has the right to judge anyone else.  God reserves that right for Himself.  We are called to love one another.  Just because someone doesn't love you back, or love you the way you think they should, doesn't give you the right to blast them. 

Let's remember who we are and whose we are.  Let's reflect the Light of Christ into a dark and hurting world. 

I want you guys to feel free to share whatever is on your heart here.  But please watch the generalizations.  Afterall, Teddy & I consider ourselves conservative.


Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected.
                                                                       ~Paul Tillich

Defender of Truth, Justice and the American GAY!

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Sorry, Lisa...

I've been letting these guys get to me too much, I guess.

It's just so hard to love someone who hides behind the Bible, so they can find a reason to hate you and hurt you and make you feel like a second-class human being.

With God, ALL things are possible...

Live long and prosper.

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No insult intended in my reply, but....

So called "conservative, fundamental" Christians can be the most dishonest. hateful people that I have ever encountered.  Let me share a situation that my family is facing right now.

My ex moved to Florida to take a job at a Christian school.  During the job interview and pre-move period, she informed them that our 8 yearold son has special educational needs.  He has Attention Deficit- Hyperactivity Disorder and has some Speech Receptive Disorder as well.  The administrator of the school told her prior to her relocating that there would be no trouble with having Tyler attend the school, that they would be able to have him as a student at the school. 

Yesterday, the school performed placement testing with Tyler for placement at the school.  After the testing was completed, the person administering the test said that Tyler was not a candidate for the school, but that the administator may decide to let him attend after all.  This was said because the test administrator had to read the questions to him and that his attention span is very short.

Then this morning, my ex met with the Administrator and was told that under normal circumstances that Tyler wouldn't be allowed to attend their school, but for my ex, they would "try" to allow him to attend.

Now someone please tell me what kind of people mislead someone to have them move 850 miles from their family, knowing that there is a special needs child involved, just to tell you that your child isn't good enough for their school.  I have found more acceptance and love from non-christians than I find from the so called "conservative, fundamentalist" Christians.  What is wrong with the Christians in this country?  Where is the love and integrity that should exude from these representatives of Christ?

Mama, I'm glad that you and Teddy are some of the exceptions to the rule within the conservative Christian community.  You both exhude love and compassion that is definitely from above.  Thank you for your example and glowing testimony to God's love.

Be yourself!!!  Don't try to fit into someone else's mold, you won't fit!!!  And that just leads to utter misery!!!  Live life to it's fullest in Christ's love every day!!!


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Blah, blah, blah.

I'm so sorry that you are going through this with your roomie. Sometimes they stink! It's just the person. Some people are stuck on themselves...and just don't give others the time of day, ya know?? I've ran into many many people like that!!! Anyway, from our short conversation yesterday, I believe you and I hold somewhat similar views in religion. I appreciated having the opportunity to vent to you--because I feel that you're one of the FEW people who will hear me out completely. Seriously! Thank you so much for that. It means a lot to me...because I know that my views are not in the mainstream, by any means. And, when I try to tell other people how I feel--I am shot down, and then stomped on. So, yeah. *big hugs* Thanks. You're awesome.

Western Christianity in general, along with any other type of religion have hypocritical people in it. Sad, but true. We must not hold on to the fact that there are those wolves in the herd of sheep--but, we must hold tightly to the sheep...that we may keep them as a flock. It is our job as Christians to move the herd to safety...not to become wolves, ourselves. We must stay meek, and docile.
Yes, there will be battles we must fight. But, going around saying how much we hate this person, and that person...what is it going to do??? It's going to show the world how we are just like them. What are we presenting to other people?? We are in no ways showing them the Love of Christ. We are showing them that we can also be hypocrites.

Instead of showering our enemy with love...we are feeding off their negative aura--and embedding a seed of evil into our own hearts. I know I'm not perfect, in any means. And, if people found out about some of my thoughts, in general, I'm sure I'd be ridiculed--but, I just try to be a good person. In my opinion, that's what life boils down to. I don't think Jesus gives a HOOT if we call ourselves a Democrat, Republican, Independent, Presbyterian, Mormon, Catholic, Jew, Hindu, Buddhist,'s just a name, and it's just a label applied to ourselves to separate us from the love of Christ, and to further distance ourselves from Our Creator.
So, yeah. I'm going to agree with Mama in one of her original posts on this thread. I'm kinda tired of hearing all the generalizations, and ranting and I do it, too! Sure, I do! But, to me, there's MUCH bigger fish to fry. I'd rather worry about if what I'm doing with my life will gain me entrance to Heaven--than whether or not the Republican from Delaware speaking on C-SPAN is gay-friendly or not.

Who cares??? He isn't God. And, that dude on the TV doesn't affect my life one way or another. I still am going to live my life the way I'd want to--and worship God and Jesus the way I want to. What happened to that Bible verse that talks about how nothing can separate us from the love of God???

Actually, there IS something that can separate ourselves from the Love of God. That thing is ourselves. Please, please, please stop letting the little things of the world sidetrack us from the big picture.

All I'm going to say is that yeah, I've been hurt by other Christians, too. I've been kicked out of churches...and that's one of MANY reasons why I don't attend church. But, I just kick the dust off my shoes, and move on to the next Jesus commanded. It may not be in a church building...but, I still find ways of speaking to people on Sunday, or any other day of the week.
I dunno. There are times I hate being gay, and being a christian, and being non-political, and hate being opinionated--but yeah...*shrugs*

Thanks for listening to me for a bit.
*christian hugs*

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart. Isaiah 40:11

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I agree with Darrel.  Tim, the person who misled your wife could have been from any religion, and any denomination.  She could be super political or totally uncaring when it comes to politics.  The folks on this site (and GCN...) should be extra aware of labels and the harm they can do.

Let's just all love Jesus.


Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected.
                                                                       ~Paul Tillich

Defender of Truth, Justice and the American GAY!

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Amen, Darrel, amen!

I think that there are some people out there that make it their sole purpose for living to take over a church, or a religion, or a political party...or even a website...and make it their own little "country club" where if you're not exactly like them, then you can't join. This is totally the opposite of what Jesus taught and demonstrated with his life. He said that ANY that comes unto Him, He will in no way cast out, but that He shall come in unto him and eat with them. This is how a TRUE CHRISTIAN is supposed to live.

Yes, we all have different "doctrines" that we will butt our heads over...but that is just the reality of living in a world where everyone is different from everyone else! Nothing personal is implied if I disagree with someone here about a biblical or political issue. I just have one point of view, and you have another. We can act like civilized people and just agree to disagree...


we can wrestle until we tear each other heads off like on "Celebrity Deathmatch"!

With God, ALL things are possible...


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I wanna be Xena!!! Can I be Xena??!!!!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

Defender of Truth, Justice and the American GAY!

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ONLY...if I get to be Gabrielle!

With God, ALL things are possible...

Why can't my life be more like the Ainulindalë?

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-- Edited by Chris at 17:18, 2006-06-27

"I'd place myself... oh... somewhere between Galadriel and Peter Griffin."

Why can't my life be more like the Ainulindalë?

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phil_of_va wrote:

Western Christians refer to Christians in the Western Hemisphere (Europe, North America mostly) who follow more of the traditions of western-style Judeo-Christianity.

Is that supposed to make us feel better? I'm confused. To me it sounded like MamaLisa was cautioning you not to include people like us in your rant, and then you explain that what you meant by "western Christian" DOES include us. That doesn't make me feel good-- especially since I know hundreds of "western Christians" that aren't like what you're describing.

Ugh, maybe I'm reacting too harshly. I just don't like this kind of dramatic generalization.

In short, Right-wing Conservative, oh and usually totally totally anti-gay!

So what you meant was "conservative christian," not "western Christian." Now I begin to understand.

"I'd place myself... oh... somewhere between Galadriel and Peter Griffin."

[Probably] Gother Than Thou

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I don't like the term "conservative" used that way.  I tend to be "conservative" yet never consider myself "western", more "eastern" if anything since I tend to view the Church as Pre-Institutional (prior to 325 AD) which is common among those who are more "eastern" than "western".  But I could only clarify by saying "right-wing conservative" since that tends to be a labeling that is understood to have that propensity, like my beloved roommate.


[insert witty 9th-century-related signature here]

Live long and prosper.

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Again I wish to appologize for anything that I wrote that seemed unloving, I was just expressing the repeated pain that I have endured by a certain group of Christians, and it is not just one person, but  a certain denomination, which shall remain un-named. 

I try to not judge this group, but it is hard sometimes.  I'm trying hard not to be bitter.  I know that I am in the wrong in my feelings, but the pain is hard to bear sometimes.

Again, I'm sorry for the bitterness that I have shown here.

Be yourself!!!  Don't try to fit into someone else's mold, you won't fit!!!  And that just leads to utter misery!!!  Live life to it's fullest in Christ's love every day!!!


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Well, you don't need to necessarily apologize...but, I just want to tell everybody not to carry the bitterness to the grave. Ya know?? We all still have our imperfections. I have plenty!!!
Man...if we were all perfect, there wouldn't have been a need for Jesus Christ, or God...or existance, for that matter--because we would have already attained some form of Godhood.
Even if the pain is repeatedly inflicted upon us--we must turn the other cheek..and when that has been bruised enough, we must give them our other cheeks!!! lol...

Back to seriousness. I just keep on thinking of the torture Christ had to endure. Being whipped, flogged, spat upon, peed upon, probably having feces thrown at Him, nails through his hands, and feet...the crown of thorns. The javelin in his side...

Can you imagine going through that hideous torture to justify the rest of the worlds' wicked ways? He just blows my mind.

Anyway, I completely forgot where I was going with this. Churches may hurt us; however, they are abiding by the only teachings that they know. And, every denomination, and every person who claims to be a Christian has a very different personal set of beliefs.

We can't really hold them accountable for doing what they were raised to do. Kinda like when Drew Barrymore in Ever After says something to the effect of:

If you suffer your people to be ill-educated, and their manners corrupted from infancy, and then punish them for those crimes to which their first education disposed them, what else is to be concluded, sire, but that you first make thieves and then punish them?

I found the quote! hehehe! Yeah. :) Go me!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

Live long and prosper.

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Thanks Darrell, I needed that this morning. 

Be yourself!!!  Don't try to fit into someone else's mold, you won't fit!!!  And that just leads to utter misery!!!  Live life to it's fullest in Christ's love every day!!!

Why can't my life be more like the Ainulindalë?

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phil_of_va wrote:

I tend to be "conservative" yet never consider myself "western", more "eastern" if anything

So, are you Orthodox, phil? That's something I didn't know about you. If you don't mind, I am interested in learning more about the Eastern church. Can I ask you about your experiences?

"I'd place myself... oh... somewhere between Galadriel and Peter Griffin."

[Probably] Gother Than Thou

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Actually I'm not Orthodox (but I can relate to them).  I have a United Methodist/Southern Baptist background that has left me considerably jaded as a result.  I mean who needs to come out to a group of Southern Baptist conservatives when you're a black Goth and thus already "hellbound"?


[insert witty 9th-century-related signature here]

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Darrel wrote:

I wanna be Xena!!! Can I be Xena??!!!!

Listen, I've seen Xena's breasts...and Xena, you're not!! :)


"All time not spent on love is wasted"

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Phil, I'm sorry for your experiences!!

Have you thought about confronting your roommate and talking to him, in general, even if he doesn't want to talk to you? I would tell him how you felt about his not answering your call.



"All time not spent on love is wasted"

I wish I had a title but can't think of one!

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lowcountry girl wrote:

Darrel wrote: I wanna be Xena!!! Can I be Xena??!!!! Listen, I've seen Xena's breasts...and Xena, you're not!! :)  

the good shelly said leave that alone, fortunately for you guys the bad shelly won over and said no say it say it..............can i be xena?

hey phil,

how is it going today?


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shelber wrote:

lowcountry girl wrote: Darrel wrote: I wanna be Xena!!! Can I be Xena??!!!! Listen, I've seen Xena's breasts...and Xena, you're not!! :)   the good shelly said leave that alone, fortunately for you guys the bad shelly won over and said no say it say it..............can i be xena?


I feel certain that careful and exacting research will prove that you are indeed worthy to be Xena.

But even now, you are already my very own warrior princess!



"All time not spent on love is wasted"

[Probably] Gother Than Thou

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Posts: 876

lowcountry girl wrote:

Phil, I'm sorry for your experiences!! Have you thought about confronting your roommate and talking to him, in general, even if he doesn't want to talk to you? I would tell him how you felt about his not answering your call. Jeanine  

He avoids talking with me even if he sees me.  Whenever I usually ask him about not calling me back, he literally just walks out the door w/o saying a word, so I stopped asking him.


[insert witty 9th-century-related signature here]

He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart. Isaiah 40:11

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Phil, it sounds like you need a new roommate!!


Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected.
                                                                       ~Paul Tillich

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Thanks mama Lisa for speaking the truth.. just love jesus. i do not try to judge others. do we want to be judged/labeled? no

Phil I hope you will find a solution soon... either a better arrangement with this roommate or a new roommate or on your own :)



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phil_of_va wrote:

lowcountry girl wrote: Phil, I'm sorry for your experiences!! Have you thought about confronting your roommate and talking to him, in general, even if he doesn't want to talk to you? I would tell him how you felt about his not answering your call. Jeanine   He avoids talking with me even if he sees me.  Whenever I usually ask him about not calling me back, he literally just walks out the door w/o saying a word, so I stopped asking him. Phil

Oh, that's awful, Phil!

I think I agree with Mama Lisa--you need a new roommate!



"All time not spent on love is wasted"
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