Ingredients: Broccoli (fresh, not frozen) Butter (or margarine) Nutmeg Salt Water (didn't give amounts because it works for any amount of broccoli)
Cut the stems off short, leaving just the crowns with just a bit of stem attached. Put the broccoli in a pot with just a tiny amount of water in the bottom (about 1 centimeter). Scatter a few pats (or teaspoons) of butter on top of the broccoli. Lightly sprinkle with nutmeg, and add a mere pinch of salt- it really doesn't take much. On the stove, bring the water to a boil (just look for the steam) then immediately lower the temperature to a low simmer. Put a lid on it. In a few minutes, the broccoli will be bright green, and a fork can pierce the stem-- that's when you know it's done. Toss it around a little, to get the butter/nutmeg mixed in.
Broccoli is VERY good this way. And it's more healthful because you've steamed it in stead of boiling it.
"I'd place myself... oh... somewhere between Galadriel and Peter Griffin."