I just voted in a poll (and came out to the whole dang COUNTRY, by the way!) at www.advocate.com about this issue.
A part of me wants to say "NO!" to this guy. I want to slap him and say that he doesn't even have a right to BREATHE, much less protest a funeral of a fallen soldier and say that awful hateful nonsense of his...
But at the same time, I know that I have to say "YES!" because if we deny ANYONE their First Amendment right to the freedom of speech...it will wind up becoming a hangman's noose that was intended for the Fred Phelps of the world, instead being used upon ourselves and destroying our right to disagree and protest to anyone about anything!
That picture made me just about crap my pants...I think I'm playing too many horror games...I love you Jeffrey!!!
*big hugs* Darrel
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
I believe Phelps has a right to protest at any funeral he wants to. However, he should be more respectful of the dead. I secretly hope that some of these souls wind up here on Earth, and end up haunting him...
Anyway, just as long as he doesn't do it on the graveyard property. I'm sure some of it is private, because the families of others have purchased the land, and the burial plots. If it is public--then, doesn't he and his clan have to obtain picketing rights from the city?????
Well...I'm just going to say this once. I have too many things in my life to worry about--than what the crazy-looking guy from the Quaker Oats box does with a few of his loons, and a bunch of signs that says, "God Hates Fags." I just don't care...he doesn't offend me in any way shape or form.
I suppose I'm desensitized...or something. But, we need to concentrate on the bigger fish in our lives. We need to concentrate on improving ourselves, and our walks with Christ. What are we going to accomplish in this life, if we sit and whine and moan and complain, and be offended by what some dude on his deathbed is saying??? Absolutely nothing.
So, let him do what he wants to. There's people dying in the hundreds in Iraq, and Iran--including one of my best friends from high school.
There's children being raped every day.
There's a reason to fight for the cure to cancer, and to AIDS.
We can volunteer our time at a local homeless shelter....
But, my God...I'm kind of sick of people giving their time to Mr. Phelps. If the world ignores him--he's going to go away. Plain and simple.
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Well, Fred Phelps and his butt-ugly daughter offend me! The irony of the situation is that his group hold these "love rallies" at the funerals of men and women who died defending his right to hold these "love rallies!"
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich