So I had to apprehend a sib group of four today, that part went as fine as can be expected with a little help from the rcmp... so we get out to the foster placement which is this really nice family with a lovely home that I'm sure a bug has never lived in and these kids were covered in lice and nits, so me and another worker and the foster mom spent about two hours treating and combing their hair, by the time I left I thought the mom was going to break down after I went through medical checks, clothing checks and everything else that needed to be done. but I had to serve bio-mom so I headed out early. I followed my friend the cop out onto a rainy reserve gravel road at about 140 kms to serve bio-mom, got my life threatened and got the heck out of there. Heading back I started swerving, hit the ditch and just barely missed a power pole. After that the durango wasn't running so good and then it started overheating, so I had to flag down someone to call me a tow truck once they got onto reserve because there wasn't any cell coverage. So I sat there for over an hour before the truck came. So now I'm next in a long line of workers who are hitting the ditch and I don't think its going to be pretty at all tomorrow morning!! I'm thinking it might be me serving your next blizzard at DQ!!
I mean, it was an exciting day and all but I'm sure gonna pay for it tomorrow!
Really--- there was a LOT of information in that little paragraph! It sounds like such a crazy day- like from a movie or something! Hope you don't get in trouble- can't see how you would unless the people you work for are complete idiots.
"I'd place myself... oh... somewhere between Galadriel and Peter Griffin."
Hope you don't get in trouble- can't see how you would unless the people you work for are complete idiots.
Yep, there's the problem! Thanks for reading that and encouraging and laughing with me because I need to laugh because I am stressed out... well I gotta get going and teach a parenting class (yes thats right, me, single, no kids teaching parenting). What a joke