I tend to be more into inventing things as I go and improvising than coming up with recipes. Under good conditions, I like to keep a pantry with certain items that allow me to get really creative. So, I'm going to share my preferred pantry list. It's not my dream pantry--but it's realistic, and is about what I have under optimal conditions. It allows me to invent lots of different things.
In the freezer: Frozen berries of various types, vanilla ice cream, butter (yes, I freeze butter)
In the cabinet: Pancake mix (I cheat with some things), milk chocolate chips, spices (salt/pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, red pepper flake, oregano, rosemary, basil), garlic-tomato paste (I cheat here, too), saltines, olive oil, vegetable oil, red potatoes, yellow onions, raisins (SunMaid has this new jumbo blend that's perfect for cooking), dried cranberries, prunes
I think that covers it. I think you can sense the general direction of my tastes--kind of nouvelle Mediterranean or something.
I just don't eat much meat, and I like using the bacon and sausage more as an ingredient, a flavouring, than as a course. I actually love cooking chicken--just not for myself, usually. I did go through a phase years ago of making lots of sweet-and-sour chicken, and chicken fajitas for myself. I go through phases.
I freeze butter so it will last longer and cut more easily (with a sharp knife, that is).
Hmm... I really don't make mexican that often, but when the mood strikes me I HAVE to have certain spices. I'm usually much more likely to make just something down-home-soul-foodish.
What's your favorite ethnicity of food?
By the way, I got wind of a new Japanese restaurant in Bton that's supposedly leagues ahead of anything else as far as hip/trendy/interesting atmosphere. About time.
"I'd place myself... oh... somewhere between Galadriel and Peter Griffin."