The following is a list of things Satan is capable of 1. inter-dimensional teleportation (Job 1:6,7) 2. Visual materialization in various forms (2Cor.11:14) 3. Transporting objects and people from place to place (Matt.4:5,8) 4. Molecular transformation of matter (Ex.7:12,22) 5. Counterfeit miracles(Ex.8:7; 2Thess.2:9; Rev.13:13-15) 6. Spontaneous human combustion(Job 1:16; Rev.13:13) 7. Possession of the minds of non-Christians(2Tim. 2:24-26) 8. Thought transference/implantation(1Chron. 21:1; Matt. 16:22-23) 9. Death(Heb. 2:14) 10. Hindering man's ability to comprehend the gospel(2Cor. 4:3-4) 11. Producing bodily illness(Lk. 13:11-17) 12. Producing mental illness(Mk. 5:1-13) 13. Inciting opposition to God(Acts 13:6-12) 14. Removing the Word of God from the mind(Matt. 13:19) 15. Manipulating the weather(Job 1:19; Mk. 4:35-39) 16. Hindering answers to prayer(Dan. 10:12-14,20-21) 17. Tempting people to sin(1Thess.3:5) 18. Inventing false religions/ideas(2Cor.11:3-4; 1Tim.4:1-3; 1John 4:1-3) 19. Manipulating things to bring financial disaster or wealth to individuals(Job 1:3,13-19; Matt. 4:8-9; 1Tim.6:9-10) 20. Disrupting the assembly of the saints by his presence or by inciting disunity, lies, divisions, etc.(Acts 5:1-10; 6:1) 21. Guiding the spirit/actions of nations(Dan. 10:13; Rev.16:14; 20:7-9) 22. Keeping believers in a constant state of depression and discouragement(1Pet.5:8-9) 23. Sending a messenger to be "a thorn in the flesh" in a believer, to vex his or her spirit as long as they live(2Cor.12:7-10) 24. Killing the body of excommunicated believers(1Cror.5:5) 25. Communicating with people during seances and other occult rites(Deut.18:9-11)
Lamentation 3:24 The Lord is all I have, and so in him I put my hope.