I don't know how many of you are aware of this, but there are some very troubling resolutions on the table for the upcoming General Convention of the Episcopal Church in America. Among the "troubling resolutions" are two biggies:
Apology for the ordination of +Gene Robinson - There's been such a fuss kicked up by certain uber-conservative branches of Anglicanism regarding our esteemed gay bishop in New Hampshire, that the Archbishop of Canterbury requested we "repent" for +Robinson's appointment to Bishop. Our actual resolution proposed does not use language of "repentance," but says we are sorry for the grief it's caused everyone, though we still think his election was the right thing to do. I think this kind of response is awesome, but it will probably cause somewhat of an uproar when it comes to a vote, since there are many delegates who will insist on language of "repentance" and possibly even +Gene's removal.
"Temporary halt" on performing same-sex blessings - This is the one that really, really troubles me. Due to the fact that many of our southern bishops have thrown fit after fit and are threatening to leave the Anglican Communion, combined with the bishop/primate/whatever of Nigeria's commitment to being the biggest butt-hole he can be, there is a proposed resolution to stop performing gay marriages until there is "a wider understanding in the church" regarding the topic. SUPPOSEDLY continued dialogue towards acceptance is a mandatory condition of this resolution, but since our conservative brothers and sisters want there to be no gay marriages EVER, all they have to do is sit back and refuse to participate. Then we will never reach a "wider understanding" because dialogue is impossible, and as long as it stays that way, supposedly we're going to keep the no-gay-marriage policy. At least for another three years until the next general convention.
The good news is that it's extremely difficult to pass resolutions, especially controversial ones. To pass a resolution, the House of Bishops must approve it with at least 75% majority vote-- and then the House of Deputies must approve it with at least 75% majority, and they aren't allowed to make any changes, otherwise it goes back to the House of Bishops for a new re-vote with the changes.
The bad news is that these resolutions are being labelled with buzz-phrases like "maintaining church unity" which cause people to make decisions they normally wouldn't. In my opinion, there are some people who will just never, ever be ok with gay marriage and will leave the church no matter what, but for now it seems like the Episcopal Church would rather hold onto those people than hold onto its own policy of being a GLBT-affirming denomination.
Sorry for the long post- I just attended a hearing with local delegates/Bishops about convention issues, and even the liberals seemed like they were behind these resolutions, just because of church unity. Good grief- WE'RE a church that broke away from another, and they act like the church splitting is an earth-shattering thing. It's just short-sighted, and I almost lost it when I had to speak to the delegates.
Anyway, the General Convention is in June. We need every possible prayer. This isn't just for Anglicans- it's for the whole Gay Christian community. The Episcopal church is the ONLY (as far as I know) liturgical church that allows for full, unconditional inclusion.
"I'd place myself... oh... somewhere between Galadriel and Peter Griffin."
Please forgive these poor deluded "Christians" for their ignorance and hatred. Show them that Bishop Gene Robinson is as much (if not MORE) of a Christian as they are. Let Your peace and wisdom reign over this problem. Let Your love ring true through this trial. Let these poor people see the truth that what they are doing is the devil's, and not Yours, work. Bless Bishop Robinson and his family as they undergo this HUMILIATING ordeal. Open the eyes of ALL Christians to the truth that YOUR LOVE KNOWS NO BOUNDARIES! And that You have saved EVERYONE, both gay and straight, from Your judgment of sin through the shed blood of Your Son upon the cross, which we will remember this Good Friday. You don't look at us through our humanness, but through HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS which He gave to us as He paid for our sins. For in Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.