Finally, after the required denials and appropiate appeals process {High STRESS level, while waiting the process out} - I now may be within one month's time of the appeal hearing w/ my Attorney before a Soc. Sec Administrative Hearing Judge........ALL would be Well with the World, if things go positive for Me.
No matter how some of you might feel regarding the use of Social Security funds and the assistance provided to those unable to work because of many types of catastrophic or chronic health issues, I would ask that you all please pray regarding mine.
A little background for some of you--- For a little over three years now, I 've been living with moderate to severe chronic pain{mostly in mid to lower part of my back, legs and over time it became an all over body occurence} it was diagnosised as Fibromyalgia. This finally came after many many xrays, MRI's and other tests, a few scarey trips to the E.R. and far too many pain-filled days and nights over the last three years. I was forced to give up a job I liked and also on Dr's orders was told early on- "this patient should NOT live alone, so that coupled with unemployment-left my apartment and a small city in FL I liked living and moved back in with my 70-something parents.
NOT out to them{different issue} THANK YOU Mom & Dad I could not have made it thru the last three years with out your support, personal and financial.
My "life" was turned UPside DoWn
* where I lived? * INDEPENDENCE * Employment * old Friends, and chance to make new friends * self identity
There's much more than the physical pain with this Fibromyalgia, and I need NOT go into it here. I can share privately if you are interested.
THANK YOU to All who've had the patience and read this post.
Wow, Jay- I knew only a little of your story, but it's much more than I knew- I'm so sorry you're going through this, and I really hope and pray you reach the outcome that will meet your needs with all the court stress you probably DON'T need.
"I'd place myself... oh... somewhere between Galadriel and Peter Griffin."
Be with Jay and his family as he undergoes this trial of his patience and faith. Let the ruling go in his favor. I too know how hard it is to face the problems of getting approval for Social Security. Help him feel peaceful and well as he goes through this. Let everything come out okay. Bless this man and his family. For in Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.
Jay, you continue to be in my prayers. It is my prayer that the Lord will provide you with the meansto reestablish your independence and self reliance. May the appeal before the judge be successful and you receive what you deserve.
With Christ's Love and much prayer,
Be yourself!!! Don't try to fit into someone else's mold, you won't fit!!! And that just leads to utter misery!!! Live life to it's fullest in Christ's love every day!!!
According to my Attorney, it's likely the hearing will be in the June / July timeframe. I'm to provide their office with ANY and all medical records from appointments from Doctor's visits from now till the hearing in a timely manner.
Be yourself!!! Don't try to fit into someone else's mold, you won't fit!!! And that just leads to utter misery!!! Live life to it's fullest in Christ's love every day!!!
I received notice in this past Fridays' mail that date has been set for my "appeal hearing w/ my Attorney before a Soc. Sec Administrative Hearing Judge" on July 18th, 2006 and prior to that date on June 12 I meet w/ attorney as I will be prepared for the hearing itself at that time.
I ask you to bless Jay with a good outcome to his financial problems, as well as all of the other problems that he has been having with his and his family's illnesses. Please give this family peace and strength. Let them feel your holy and righteous presence as they face the daily trials that are assaulting them. Bless them all. For in Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.
Keep fighting the good fight of faith, Jay! God will come through!
JAYofFL wrote: I received notice in this past Fridays' mail that date has been set for my "appeal hearing w/ my Attorney before a Soc. Sec Administrative Hearing Judge" on July 18th, 2006
==> andprior to that date on June 12 I meet w/ attorney as I will be prepared for the hearing itself at that time.
the appointment with my Attorney {the day before yesterday, Monday June 12th} was very informative & positive as I was prepared for the hearing itself before a Soc. Sec Administrative Law Judge...
I feel more confident about answering the necessary questions regarding my health situation and how it affects my daily life and my inability to work. all or most of the time, financial 's
I certainly do not take the outcome of the hearing/decision at the July 18 hearing for granted, but I'm much more positive and confident than I was prior to this appointment.
May the Lord be with you as you face this trial. Let his wisdom and peace be upon you as you share with them your story. I pray that you will get all that you are deserving in this! Also, I hope that your dad gets better soon!
Hey Jay....will definately be praying for you. I can relate to what you are going through. My mother has suffered with Fibromyalgia for years, and it has been such a challenge for her, and our entire family. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
I am scheduled to see both of my doctors in the next week or so, these appointments most likely will be the last ones prior to my hearing date of July 18th. One of these Dr's is responsible for filling out a form that describes the physical activities/ medical restrictions I am placed on, that make it impossible for me to be employed......PERIOD I have a few very important health concerns I must address with each Dr during each of the appointments, PLEASE pray that their ears & minds will be OPEN to the things I have to say.
I'm praying as well, dude. I'm hoping they will listen to everything you have to say, and look over the doctors' appointments, and claims--and may all go in your favor!
Please do keep us posted. I'm so sorry you're having to go through such a tough time.
God bless! Darrel
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
I'm continuing to pray for you my brother. I pray that all works out for you with your disability claim.
Be yourself!!! Don't try to fit into someone else's mold, you won't fit!!! And that just leads to utter misery!!! Live life to it's fullest in Christ's love every day!!!
this comingTUESDAY, July 18th, 2006 at 9:15 AMis the Hearing before a Administrative Law Judge regarding my claim for Soc. Sec. Disability benefits and SSI, which I filed for both at the same time. I do not know the length of this hearing, so please keep myself and my parents in PRAYER that morning.
THANK YOU to Everyone who has been praying for Me and my disability hearing that was held Tuesday, July 18th, at 9:15 a.m.
It went very well according to my attorney and she said "I did an excellent job at answering all the questions asked of me".
She had a brief conference with the presiding Judge aftewards, and because there are NO objective tests persay for Fibromyalgia, it can sometimes be a difficult syndrome in the eyes of Soc. Security and one's age plays a heavy role as well-in the decision. Now I wait for receipt of the decision time frame: from 2 weeks to 2 months.
Please continue to keep MY family in your prayers as we are now dealing with a very fragile financial situation. One in which my 76 yr old Mother returned to part time work at the beginning of all this health situation for me, and my Father was working some too- but of course now due to his lung cancer -No income now either. They do each recieve Soc Sec and my current expenses on a monthly basis take a GREAT amount out of each.
I know how it is: you can go crazy waiting and worrying what the verdict might turn out to be. Just remember that we are all praying for you, and the Lord knows and will take care of everything. May He bless you and your family in all that you do. You are a GOOD provider & caregiver for your folks.
JOY- filled UPDATE {even at this most difficult time}
Late today in the mail arrived the official notice that said "NOTICE OF DECISION - FULLY FAVORABLE"
I hope to be able to share this with my Father later Thursday morning, even though he is in very poor condition.......{he's in a hospice unit now,for those that do not know..}
THANK YOU to each and Everyone of you who has been praying for Me and my disability hearing that was held Tuesday, July 18th, and ALL related concerns.