I didn't really know where, out of all these threads and topics, to put this, but I was just sitting at home a few weeks back and I was thinking about people in general and then I was thinking about mothers and this just came out of my head, so I hope you enjoy it:
The Sea Goddess
She waves a dish cloth in the air, a warrior in battle. She twirls her apron, shuffles her feet, clicks her heals, a princess at the ball. She releases the dishwater, a rushing whirlpool, a goddess of the sea. She sweeps the crumbs, the dust, the dirt, a caretaker of her land. Indeed, she is a princess, a caretaker, a goddess, a warrior, yet she is so much more. She is a mother and the dishes are finally done.
Rob B
Angry, young, and poor...yep...that about sums it up.
I think that's wonderful! That's totally how I live my life!! I may look like I'm doing simple, stupid tasks around the house, but in my mind I'm an angel, then an anime character, then a royal chef, then a monk etc.
Imagination is one of the greatest forms of relaxation in stressful circumstances. Sure, it's escapism, but uh, why was that bad, again?
"I'd place myself... oh... somewhere between Galadriel and Peter Griffin."