* Pass a note to the organist asking whether he/she plays requests.
* See if a yawn really is contagious.
* Slap your neighbor. See if they turn the other cheek. If not, raise your hand and tell the priest.
* Devise ways of climbing into the balcony without using the stairs.
* Listen for your preacher to use a word beginning with 'A' then 'B and so on through the alphabet. You may get stuck on 'Q' and 'X' though...
* Sit in the back row and roll a handful of marbles under the pews ahead of you. After the service, credit yourself with 10 points for every marble that made it to the front.
* Using church notice-sheets or newcomers cards for raw materials, design, test and modify a collection of paper airplanes.
* Start from the back of the church and try to crawl all the way to the front, under the pews, without being noticed.
* Raise your hand and ask for permission to go to the lavatory.
* Whip out a hankie and blow your nose. Vary the pressure exerted on your nostrils and trumpet out a rendition of your favorite hymn.
* If the sermon goes on for more than 15 minutes, start blowing bubbles.
* Pretend to be 4 years old.
* Try to indicate to the minister that his fly is undone.
* By unobtrusively drawing your arms up into your sleeves, turn you shirt inside out.
* Try to raise one eyebrow.
* Crack your knuckles.
* Think about your chin for an entire minute.
* Twiddle your thumbs.
* Twiddle your neighbors thumbs.
* Wiggle your ears so that the people behind you will notice.
* Practice smiling insincerely.
Lamentation 3:24 The Lord is all I have, and so in him I put my hope.
Krypto wrote: Try to indicate to the minister that his fly is undone. Believe it or not, this actually happened to me when I was trying to teach Wednesday night bible study. Fortunately, I am "white enough" to have nothing important hanging out... Jeffrey
My jaw is still on the floor...
Perfect love casts out fear. God is love. Anything else is a lie.
I did send these to my pastor friends. I promised my current pastor that I wouldn't do any of these during his sermons...except maybe that one about slapping your neighbor. I told him I may have to try that. He dared me to do it!
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
TaterHead wrote: Krypto wrote: Try to indicate to the minister that his fly is undone. Believe it or not, this actually happened to me when I was trying to teach Wednesday night bible study. Fortunately, I am "white enough" to have nothing important hanging out... Jeffrey My jaw is still on the floor...
I ain't kidding, man...It actually happened! I was there that night, preaching on the book of Esther, when I felt this "draft" in a VERY SENSITIVE area of my body.
I spent the rest of that teaching holding onto the podium for dear LIFE!
YES!!!! I've seen that video on StupidVideos... it's PRICELESS!!!
Here is a true story
When I lived in North Carolina, I went to the local Baptist church, Boiling Springs Baptist.. this is a church where the Holy Spirit transitioned from a long time before..
I went in, nobody spoke with me, nobody even looked at me, I was there with my friend Phillip (yes, two Phillip's hehe) who was very timid and shy. And then there's me
I got so annoyed and realized that I will probably never come back here so I said out loud so that enough people could here me:
What? No morning sacrifices to Molech? I'm LEAVING!