Seeing people like this makes it hard to love our enemies and pray for them, doesn't it? These people are just as lost as those that crucified Christ. I know Jesus found it in his heart to forgive them while he was hanging on the cross, and I know we must do so as well. But sometimes, I just want to take that picket sign and slap them over the head with it and walk off!
Lamentation 3:24 The Lord is all I have, and so in him I put my hope.
I've been reading the website for over three hours now, and for a website which makes such blasphemous remarks against the military, against our president, against humanity, and thousands of innocent lives--I'm surprised it is still functional. I mean, if somebody on myspace says stuff like this--they have a jail sentence ahead of them; however, if anybody attempts to stop the Phelps clan, they are gonna get sued for barring their free speech. This is all what it comes down to. It's just a sick plot to gain money. Let them protest. God will deal with them. I just had a funny thought. Fred Phelps reminds me of that old guy from Quaker Oatmeal. Except in a much more evil form--like that evil dude in the "Poltergeist" movies.
-- Edited by Darrel at 08:54, 2006-03-21
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
I have done research on this guy and his beliefs. This nut is nothing but a Christian terrorist! He's no different from Bin Laden. Why the FBI isn't investigating this guy could only be because they WANT this guy to become violent, so they can tell the rest of us that guys like this is the reason for violating our rights to privacy and help to create the kind of "big brother"-like world goverment that will be run by the future Antichrist. And, of course, there will be the liberal extremeists who will use this guy as a reason to keep up the fight to remove Christianity from the public square. They'll claim that it's because of "fundies" like this is the reason why "conservative" Christians with our religious points of view should be removed from public office. The two faces of goverment are just using this guy's hate and ignorance as a means to pack their own "war chests" with support from their special interest groups.
This Phelps nut claims that even if we were born gay, then that just proves that God created us just so He can later condemn us to hell. This is known as "hyper-Calvinism", and it's basically an excuse to say to those different from you, "I can invade your land, burn down your house, rape your wife and enslave your children...all because God has 'pre-ordained' me to do so so I can help usher in His kingdom on earth. You people are just 'faggots' created by God just to be burned up in hell." You would be surprised at how people, on both sides, are using this kind of bad theology to excuse their own sins and lusts, while condemning those "different" from them.
Darrel - I wonder what Phelps would say if one of these little girls in the picture turned to him and said, "Grampa...Why does God hate ME? I like other girls, too!"
As many bad experiences as I've had with Christians, I honestly find it offensive when Phelps is considered to be one. He has nothing in common with a Christ-follower than buzzwords. He has no outward concept of Christianity, I only pray he has somehow secured his eternal state in spite of his blatant sin and warmongering.
As I've said before so shall I say again: This cannot be Christianity
As I've said before so shall I say again: This cannot be Christianity Phil
I couldn't agree more Phil. Where in the Bible do we ever find Jesus picketing or stating that God hates anyone? It is no wonder that most of the GLBT community want nothing to do with Christianity. We can only pray.
Be yourself!!! Don't try to fit into someone else's mold, you won't fit!!! And that just leads to utter misery!!! Live life to it's fullest in Christ's love every day!!!