Just wondering and not expecting actual answers, just thought it would interesting to know:
At what age did God create Adam? Research suggests between the ages of 25-35, but there is not actual evidence.
How long were Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden before they sinned? According to some websites: The Bible does not explicitly tell us how long Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden before they sinned. It seems as if they were in the Garden for a short amount of time, possible as little as a day or two. Adam and Eve did not conceive any children until after the Fall (Genesis 4:1-2), so it is highly unlikely they were in the Garden for very long.
We don't know how long Adam and Eve were in the Garden before they had to leave. Sadly, it doesn't seem like they were there for long. There are two clues. First, God commanded them to "be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth" (Genesis 1:28). This means they were to start having a family as soon as possible. And second, we don't read anything about the children of Adam and Eve until after they have left the Garden (Genesis 4:1-2). It takes about nine months for a human baby to develop. So they might have lived in the Garden for less than a year!
Lamentation 3:24 The Lord is all I have, and so in him I put my hope.
I don't know how long they were there in the Garden of Eden, but I do know from studying about "original sin" that they didn't come together and conceive the rest of the human race until AFTER they had sinned and were kicked out of the garden. This is why we are all born with a sinful nature...or "original sin"...or "the flesh".
And knowing how kids are...they probably went STRAIGHT TO THAT BAD TREE the very moment after God told them NOT to eat of it's fruit!