Ok forget that he's sexy in his own weird way, his music is amazing. Ever listened to the words? I know thats's weird to be saying about Rob Thomas but seriously.
This is my new fav song of his..
Problem Girl
Don't let 'em get where they're going to You know they're only what they think of you You heard of this emotional trickery And you felt like you were learning the ropes But where you're going now you don't now
And when the kids on the street say What's your problem girl And the weight of their smile's just Too much for you to bear When they all make you feel Like you're a problem girl Remember You're no problem at all You're no problem at all
Pride like promises can let you down You thought that you'd be feeling Better by now You worry all the things they could do to you You worry about the things they could say Maybe you're seeing things the wrong way
Try If you stand or you fall You're no problem at all
Amy, I love Rob Thomas. Although I think he needs to gain a little bit of weight back. I saw him perform with duet with Carlos Santana and afterwards they kissed each other on the lips. It wasn't sexual but rather honest affection from two artists who respect and care for one another. I thought it was so cool that they didn't care what people said - and no one really said anything!
Going cold turkey isn't nearly as delicious as it sounds - Homer Simpson.
ok so why was that no biggie, but when madonna and britney kissed people spazzed out?
Oh my dear child...Don't you see?
Too many Christian moms and dads want their little girls to grow up to be precious little "innocents" that will NEVER leave them to have and enjoy this dreadful thing called "sex". Especially LESBIAN sex! So they are just shocked beyond belief when they see a couple of the "bubble-gum singers", that they had hoped would have helped their little girl stay so innocent, kiss this awful old SLUT that spent most of her career hanging out and "making out" with all of these awful gay men on her Blonde Ambition Tour years ago...
Why...this is the embodiment of the "truth" that all gay people are just trying to make "converts" of the straight children of America...JUST like Pat Robertson and the rest of the religious right have been telling us all along...
(and why their TV collection plates have been OVERFLOWING! )
P.S. - DANG that picture is HOT!!! It just goes to show you how BEAUTIFUL that a "cross-generational" gay relationship can be! WOW! HUBBA-HUBBA!
Neither Rob Thomas or Carlos Santana are gay. Just for the record. And please don't call Madonna a slut. It's not nice.
Honey, I KNOW that they aren't gay. And I wasn't being rude to "Our Blessed Virgin of the Gay S&M Club"...I was mocking how hypocritical the "Christian housewives of Suburbia" talk in their little gossipy church groups when it comes to matters like this: they are just SHOCKED by this on MTV...but they have no problem watching soap operas and reading romance novels that are just as "sinful" as what the Material Girl and Britney did to each other on the stage.
I meant no harm...I was just trying to make a critical point about modern society...