Greetings All....This is my first post here. I'm known as Thom T. I've been somewhat active over at and have a MySpace homepage. I certainly know of our founders & moderators MamaLisa and PappaBear from GCN. I hope to check in every now and again as time permits and get acquianted with folks here. I may just mostly "lurk" for awhile until I get the lay-of-the-land.
I am so happy that you have introduced yourself. It is good to see more people here. We have a lot more stuff here than when the last time when I first messaged you about the site. Come on and post something! Say whatever is on your mind!
Glad to see you here. I draw great inspiration from your posts at GCN and look forward to the same here. We are that much richer with your presence.
Be yourself!!! Don't try to fit into someone else's mold, you won't fit!!! And that just leads to utter misery!!! Live life to it's fullest in Christ's love every day!!!