Dress in your GAYEST outfit (preferably something in black leather), fill your shopping cart with those huge gallon jars of mayonaise, go up to the Layaway desk and tell the clerk that you want to put these on layaway until the day before the "parade in my part of the neighborhood".
Run from person to person asking "Have you seen my mommy?" and watch the expressions you get. (remember I'm 36)
Be yourself!!! Don't try to fit into someone else's mold, you won't fit!!! And that just leads to utter misery!!! Live life to it's fullest in Christ's love every day!!!
Go to the ladies department and find the teeniest, tiniest thong in the smallest size. Pick it up and stretch it as far as it will go, remarking to yourself loudly:
"Oh, this will DEFINITELY fit."
(this is especially effective if you're a hefty guy like me)
"I'd place myself... oh... somewhere between Galadriel and Peter Griffin."
Ride around the store on a tricycle. (saw a teen girl do this tonite at the Wal-mart)
Be yourself!!! Don't try to fit into someone else's mold, you won't fit!!! And that just leads to utter misery!!! Live life to it's fullest in Christ's love every day!!!
Walk up to a store manager and say, "Where are your butcher knives? I have a neighbor whose dog just won't stop barking, and my wife's family from Korea is coming in for a visit...which reminds me: do you have any of those aprons that say 'Kiss the Cook'?"
Walk up to one of the store clerks and ask, "Where in the sweet name of Penelope are your nose-hair trimmers and rubbing alcohol?!" And then run off laughing like Daffy Duck... (by the way, Phil...YOU'RE CUTE! )
Tell one of the workers you want EVERY item off the top shelf of one of their really tall displays. Be firm. See if they will actually get it all down for you. If they don't, have fun pitching a big fit. If they do, you can always say "Oh... now that I see them all up close, they look kinda trashy. Thanks anyway." Then skip away, or if you're REALLY gutsy, ask them to do it again in another department.
-- Edited by Chris at 10:49, 2006-06-09
"I'd place myself... oh... somewhere between Galadriel and Peter Griffin."
Go to the women's undergarments, hold up a pair of lacy thong underwear, and say in your best "redneck" voice, "DANG, Ethel! These here will make REAL GOOD SLINGSHOTS!"
I took my car to the WM recently to get an oil change. When they told me it would take at least 2 HOURS, I started thinking about this thread, "What were the things people said to do? Hmm..."
Anyway I couldn't think of anything to do, so I walked to another store.
"I'd place myself... oh... somewhere between Galadriel and Peter Griffin."
Aw, Chris, you could have spent the time running up to people in the checkout line, waving embarrassing things like condoms, suppositories, or tampons, and shouting, "Hey lady, you dropped this!"
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich