She's in a private investigator course so it's been on her mind for a while. She was able to find my mom's number through information and then mom gave her mine.
My lovely, sweet, kind & thoughtful mother told her I was gay.
Isn't that nice.
Perfect love casts out fear. God is love. Anything else is a lie.
No. My mom divorced my dad when I was 2 because he drinking heavily & using drugs... and I think getting in trouble with the law. I have never met him.
Apparently, he met my sister's mom and tried to pull the same shenanigans with her. Cheyenne only met him once.
And after we talked, it sounds like our dad is still pretty messed up. Not sure how I feel about that... But I am glad to have a sister. And it sounds like she needs an older brother.
Perfect love casts out fear. God is love. Anything else is a lie.