My dearest brothers and sisters; shortly I will have my follow up visit with the doctor. If all goes well I will go back to work. If all goes other it may not be good news. I can thank our precious saviour that I am blessed in that I love housework as much as a job. Either answer should not bother me in that respect. I guess the real bummer though would be the follow up in the case of Luekemia. But that's all right too. My vows to our precious Lord are better or WORSE, SICKNESS and in health. Please keep me in your prayers over the next couple of weeks but please pray the will of our precious Jesus. He's so dear ! I would love to take the easy way out but I'd rather do things and walk his way. Thank you very much . You all are so precious. Love, Samantha.
You continue to be in my prayers, dear Samantha. I prayerfully hope that you recieve a good report from your doctor.
Be yourself!!! Don't try to fit into someone else's mold, you won't fit!!! And that just leads to utter misery!!! Live life to it's fullest in Christ's love every day!!!
I'll be praying for you, Samantha. Thank you for keeping us posted and sharing your journey with us. Whatever the doctor says, you won't be walking alone!
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
May the Lord bless and heal you of whatever it is that this sickness is. May you feel His peaceful presence throughout your visit. Keep your faith in God's hands...NOT in the outcome of the tests. He will be with you, for that is Who He is!
I am glad you are able to see a blessing with whatever news you receive and that you are ready to live god's will and know that he is in control, Hebrews 4:3 For we who believe do enter that rest.
But with the same token you are able to accept god's will remember that it is through prayer that god can hear our concerns and that in no way would this be an easy way out. Praying that our amazing god use his super natural healing in your body, that you become free of sickness, that you will be able to return to work.