Wow, Jeffrey. That's a tough one. No American Idol? No Clean Sweep? No 7th Heaven (which I can't stand anymore but I have to watch!)? I'd have to I keep my radio & CD player? Um,...No Deal. (Boy, that really makes me sound sad!)
How about a million dollars and you give up computer? Deal or No Deal?
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
I need this infernal contraption to talk with you guys...and to download free books...and get the latest news...and the weather report for next week...and to play games...
Oh my gosh! I've turned into a NERD! EEEEEEK!
Would you give up $1,000...just to hit Dick Cheney in the face with a banana creme pie?
Actually seeing America improve is worth more than all the money in the world.
Replacing chocolate bars with soy product? Deal, or no deal?
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Be yourself!!! Don't try to fit into someone else's mold, you won't fit!!! And that just leads to utter misery!!! Live life to it's fullest in Christ's love every day!!!
Uh. What would I gain by this? What would anyone gain? No deal silly! Besides as much as I love soy products they will never ever be a replacement for Godiva!!!
Ok, here's the deal!! You get to live in a mansion and have all your housework, cooking etc done for you for the rest of your life however you will have no indoor plumbing - you have to use an outhouse and shower with the garden hose.
Deal...or No Deal?
Going cold turkey isn't nearly as delicious as it sounds - Homer Simpson.
That's a tough one, Susan. But I'd have to say No Deal. I have enough trouble using public bathrooms!
You get to live in a mansion and have all your housework, cooking etc done for you for the rest of your life however you will not be able to go anywhere - basic house arrest. Deal or No Deal
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
If you had $50.00 would you give it to that drunk man with a "will work for food" sign folded on the front of him? His only companion is a brown neck bottle half full of whiskey beside him. The guy needs a shave and a shower. You get the picture. Deal or no deal?
No Deal! I might take him and buy him a good meal. Or some "groceries" to keep, like pop-top cans of fruit or tuna. Or I might pay for a hotel room for him for the night (I started to say take him to a hotel, but that didn't sound right!) But I wouldn't give him cash.
If you won a million dollars, free & clear, but had to stop having anything to do with any organized religion, would you take it? You could still worship on your own.
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
Deal. I do believe that a church should not determine my relationship with God even though I do enjoy going, but a little part of me despises it because of the expectations.
If you gotten a million dollars, but with a catch - you have to give 1/3rd of it to the poor while traveling around the world for a year? Deal or no deal?
To be able to help others while realizing a life goal, too cool!
You win $1,000,000 with a catch, you have to give half of it to your worst adversary, Deal or No Deal?
Be yourself!!! Don't try to fit into someone else's mold, you won't fit!!! And that just leads to utter misery!!! Live life to it's fullest in Christ's love every day!!!
If you are the richest person in the world would you run away and join the circus? LOL But the deal is that you have to free all of the elephants - deal or no deal?
If you are given a million dollars from a will, but the attachment is a 500 pound pig named Babe, but the problem pigs live for a long time, would you take the deal? Remember the pig has to live in the house. (Not sure if you have seen this on Golden Girls) Deal or no deal? :)
Deal... just provide the leatherings! :) I have had walked around rattlesnakes before... it is scary for sure. They usually want to avoid you anyway.. might be an easy million.
Uhm lets see
10,000 to clean a stall full of horse manure and deposit it in the compost pile for a FULL YEAR - rain or shine, winter or summer (i will take it, have done it for years LOL) But would you? :) deal or no deal
You know Lisa, they show that cat littler commerical and supposedly what comes out will stick to the litter and make "balls" maybe that will make it easier?
A million to drink a pack of GREEN beer and eat green pancakes. All of this while wearing green and having to do that all day on St. Patrick's day. Sounds easy? :)
One million dollars...if you would spend 1 year living off the frozen, icy land in a igloo in Alaska.
Deal...or no deal?
(I would do it, but I'd be so lonely. Why? Because I would be "the only gay eskimo...the only one I know...I'd be the loneliest my tribe.")
A big part of me says Deal, because at my age, with these hot flashes, all that ice and cold weather sounds inviting. But another part of me thinks about not having my bed, and "is the potty made of ice?" So, No Deal.
Would you live alone for one year on an island (like Tom Hanks in Cast Away) for a million dollars?
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
No deal, I would go crazier than Tom Hanks did. I need to have interaction with others.
Would you spend a week in general population at a maximum security prison for $1,000, Deal or no?
Be yourself!!! Don't try to fit into someone else's mold, you won't fit!!! And that just leads to utter misery!!! Live life to it's fullest in Christ's love every day!!!
DEAL! (actually, I would get naked and streaked in front of a million people FOR FREE like back in the 70's and at sporting events...if I knew that I wouldn't get caught!)
One million dollars...if you would never eat pizza EVER AGAIN!