Okay, I’m still reading The Passion for Prayer and still want to share some things that I find interesting. We’re often so busy with work or so tired from work or what have you that some of us do not have the strength to sit down and read the bible for long periods of time. But I think it’s important to read a bit of it everyday if you can. Even if it’s one verse a day! How often have some of us suddenly find the energy when a friend calls or a TV show comes on or something, but not enough time for reading God’s Word? Tom Elliff makes a great point about being saturated with the Word of God, he says in his book:
We must also saturate ourselves with the Word of God - day and night. Occasionally I turn on our lawn sprinkler, then become preoccupied with other tasks and fail to turn it off. The next morning I find the lawn so saturated with water that every place I step, water oozes to the surface. Our intake of the Word should be so frequent and so thorough that life’s pressures yield a godly response consistent with God’s Word.
A friend of mine who employs a similar practice in Bible reading recently determined that he would seek to redeem his fellow employees rather than retaliate for their unethical behavior. He said he was inspired by Joseph’s response to his brothers. This shows that he was saturated with the Word of God.
Lamentation 3:24 The Lord is all I have, and so in him I put my hope.
Dearest Krypto; I too believe that we should read the word of God as often as possible. I have a couple of resons dear. First, I believe if we say we love our precious Lord Jesus we should read to show it. I know that he knows our heart dear, but his word says that his eyes are over the righteous (in him of course) and his ears are open to their prayers. I'd be afraid of looking like a liar to not read or pray when I had the chance. I would want my precious saviour to see that I put him first in everything. We always think of his spirit but we don't consider his word. When we think of being "full of the spirit" we limit that to the Holy Ghost alone. I kind of think about how our precious Jesus said "the words I speak unto are spirit and life." I don't want to get goofy with words, but I kind of liken being full of the spirit that combination of the spirit and the word it reveals. But that's just my opinion dear. May God bless you for posting something to get me thinking. It takes my mind off of other problems and puts it where it should be. Love, Samantha.
I love that image of being so saturated with the Word that it oozes out of us when pressure is applied! Thanks for sharing these writings about prayer.
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich