Be sure to check out the thread called "Private Prayer Forum" in the Site Related Stuff category. I need everyone's input!! And you get to vote on a poll!! How fun.
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
Mama Lisa wrote: But I bet you didn't stop eating them, did you? You know me very well. :)
are you kidding? nathan will eat anything.. he even ate this weird taco meat he made.. no one else would touch it.
oh oh oh that reminds me of something he did. he was having this wine tasting party an he wanted his appartment to smell good and so he saw one martha stewart one time that you mix spices and put them on the stove.. but he put all these weird spices that didnt have a sweet smell and yea, everyone who came in was like "ew whats that smell"
so im sitting at the front desk and i feel something on my back and i reach back and there is a bug inside my shirt, freakin cawling on my back! so i grab it with my shirt.. so my hand is behind my back holding my shirt and im freakin out and this guy comes in and hes talking to my and im trying to be all cool and junk. he starts giving me weird looks and im like ok im sorry hold on and get a kleenex and get the bug and yea..
nateblack wrote: Mama Lisa wrote: But I bet you didn't stop eating them, did you? You know me very well. :) are you kidding? nathan will eat anything.. he even ate this weird taco meat he made.. no one else would touch it. oh oh oh that reminds me of something he did. he was having this wine tasting party an he wanted his appartment to smell good and so he saw one martha stewart one time that you mix spices and put them on the stove.. but he put all these weird spices that didnt have a sweet smell and yea, everyone who came in was like "ew whats that smell" it was pretty funny!!
No you didn't! It's on, girl!
Mama Lisa, I need some stories about Amy!
Perfect love casts out fear. God is love. Anything else is a lie.
so im sitting at the front desk and i feel something on my back and i reach back and there is a bug inside my shirt, freakin cawling on my back! so i grab it with my shirt.. so my hand is behind my back holding my shirt and im freakin out and this guy comes in and hes talking to my and im trying to be all cool and junk. he starts giving me weird looks and im like ok im sorry hold on and get a kleenex and get the bug and yea..
The lesson: Nathan is everywhere... muahahahaha muahahahaha
Perfect love casts out fear. God is love. Anything else is a lie.
i just told someone i work with that story and she laughed at you. I have many many stories. im soooooo dumb sometimes. Go ahead mom, tell my stories. I am not ashamed
Alan, Lisa, Teddy... you heard her! lol... story time! :) She's brave!
j/k love ya Ameeee
Perfect love casts out fear. God is love. Anything else is a lie.
Okay, you may have heard this one, but it's classic!!
Shortly after Amy got her car, she went to put gas in it. (She had already filled up once so this was the SECOND time for her to gas up!) Anyway, she pulled up to the pump and got out and looked on the pump side for the tank. It wasn't there. So she got back in, drove to the other side of the pump (basically making a U turn), got out and looked for the tank. It wasn't there. So she got back in, drove to the other side of the pump, got out and... well, you get the picture. She even did it one more time, just for good measure!! When she realized people were watching her, she opened the trunk and pretended to look for something in there. Finally, she just drove off without buying gas.
This is my favorite story to share about Amy. It makes me laugh just typing it. But there are more....
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
While my dad was first teaching me how to drive, I tried to turn the car into a neighbor's driveway doing FIFTEEN M.P.H.! I wound up putting the car so far into the ditch, that my dad had to get the truck to pull it out of there!
So, I don't think I know Teddy or Mama Lisa. I gather, like many new churches, you have felt the need to try something different from the others. (You can P.M. me with any details but I won't actively solicit gossip )
If it was a simple case of finding somewhere with the best emoticons ever...then I've got to believe you have found it!
I haven't officially welcomed you yet because I wanted to read your testimony first and we have been gone all day. But Welcome!
Teddy & I have been married for 25 years. We have 2 kids, 3 dogs, 3 cats & 3 birds. (Too much information?)
Our son, Alan, came out to us just 2 years ago. We were NOT very welcoming at the time. It only took a few months though before God got a hold of our hearts and changed them drastically. Before long, we found ourselves completely emersed in the gay community! My son is now the producer for Jason & deMarco, who are really responsible for my name, Mama Lisa! They were my first adopted kids.
Alan has a partner, Korey, who is Krazy K on this site. Alan is Letthead, and my daughter, Amy, who is 17 and a senior in high school is AmyLynn.
Teddy & I have a real heart for gay folks, especially those whose families have turned their back on them. We attend a group called Family & Friends (of gay people) at another church and have seen so much love within those people. It has inspired us to reach out in any way we can.
We started this site after I got kicked off of GCN. (Much too long a story!) We know it was a God thing because Teddy & I had the same idea one day while he was at work & I was at home.
I'm glad you found your way here! I look forward to getting to know you.
Mama Lisa
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
Thanks Mama Lisa and, may I say, you supportive family members just warm my heart immensely. To wit, I present something I wrote elsewhere recetly in tribute to my Mom...
(so this breaks the 'meaningless' thread...sorry)
I praise God for Mom!
Mother’s Day is not until May 14 but my gratitude cannot wait until then. I understand that my experience does not match that of everyone here, and so I acknowledge that my love and pride might unintentionally unleash pain in others. I entrust that pain to God’s love which, in my experience in other areas of my life, is much more than sufficient.
Recalling that Mom had just been in the hospital last week at this time, imagine my surprise, delight, pride and – sure – nervousness as Mom told me last night about a very special project she is participating in at her church.
Background: The congregation of this small faith community, in a small town (pop. 6000), has been meeting in various committees to decide how to respond to the new reality in Canada – same-sex marriage. (Although the new government is rumbling about at least appearing to change course, it’s doubtful our courts would let that happen. I also recognize that there is not unanimity on this issue - neither within the gay community nor the gay Christian community.)
Before the congregation decides what to do at the local level (and they are free to refuse any marriage on religious grounds) they are bringing these various committee discussions to a full and open congregational meeting. Mom has been asked to share her experience of having two – yes two – gay sons, both still involved in the Church. (Craig and Claude, being of mixed faiths, do not seem to be altar-bound and I am, alas, single.) In short, this meeting would have, and will, probably go a lot beyond the legalese of “Do we or do we not want to marry same-sex couples” and into matters of Gay101.
I am just so proud of my Mom!
As we talked last night, and she probably took lots of notes , we recalled how – when Craig came out – supportive people, including church ministers past and present, had been put in place to talk to Mom and Dad. This was an enormous help. Mom also recalled last night how when I came out about four years later – 25 years ago this year! – that, although so much groundwork had been done, it still startled Mom and Dad that I, too, would “have to deal with this”.
Continuing our review last night, Mom remembered how important it has been to have a church magazine article I wrote – about fifteen years ago now - to refer to over the years. That article was a tribute to my family – how Mom had just recently survived necrotizing fasciitis (flesh-eating disease), how Dad was recovering from a major heart attack, how two sons were both gay and living with HIV, and how two sisters just chalked it all up to the “unconditional love” we have always been taught by Mom and Dad.
I mention the article only to show that Mom and Dad have not been “in the closet” since its publication (with their consent) and, yet, they have often been met with awkward silence when it comes to discussing Craig and me. That has changed, slowly but surely, over the years as they’ve found out who their friends really are. I cannot think of any that has drifted away, and all greet me with love whenever I visit Mom’s church – no more than when Dad died four years ago.
For years I have told Mom and Dad how much of an anomaly they are; that so many queer folk are rejected by their families, their church communities, etc. This is something they have never understood although, as people confide in Mom (such as a former member of the choir Mom used to conduct who spoke about the difficulties her gay son is facing), Mom is seeing how many people do not experience the love and acceptance that my brother and I do.
So, as Mom tries to gather her thoughts for that meeting in early April, I lift her witness of love to the glory of the loving God she taught us about!
GCN is another gay Christian message board ( that most of us were on before or are still on. I got kicked off! (Cared a little too much for a certain person and was accused of "violating his privacy" by sending a moderator a phone number I had for him, because everyone thought he was going to commit suicide and I knew he wouldn't talk to me. This moderator was just biding her time until she could kick me off!) Wow, again, do I sound bitter? Anyway, it's a much bigger site, with about 3000 members. It has some good points, some features we will never have the resources for, and lots of moderators & rules.
So, back to meaningless banter... Don't you think God has a sense of humor? I was just watching a show about elephant seals. Funny looking animals!
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich