How much information does one need in order to accept Christ or reject him? If you go up and tell someone who has never heard of Christ and say "I want to tell you about Christ" and he say no thanks, is that defined as a genuine rejection? How do you define a genuine rejection unless a person has experienced Christ in his heart rather than just hearing about Christ?
Lamentation 3:24 The Lord is all I have, and so in him I put my hope.
Good question. God makes his love known to everyone, in some way or form. Jesus said that he makes the rain fall on the just and on the unjust. When that person sees and realizes the truth of his own fallen humanity, his own need for Jesus' love and washing from sin, he must either accept that love and forgiveness as the ONLY way to be made right with God, or he rejects those truths. The result then is his heart becoming "hardened" to the gospel and he begins to reap the consequences of that decision, putting him on the pathway to his own eternal judgment.