Tomorrow at 12:30 in downtown Houston, there will be a protest at city hall to bring awareness to the issue of gay marriage. I agreed to speak at it!! OMG!!! A whole bunch of our friends will be there - some of whom got married in California recently, so this issue deeply touches their lives. Watch the news!
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
Mama Lisa, I received your e-mail and watched the video. It was terriffic. For someone who claims to have no college degree, you said more than many who do. The part that deeply touched me was the part about the trials and heartaches of having a gay child. I was blessed with three straight children so I never had those issues to deal with. If straight people truly consider themselves as the word of God says they will find that many of their heartaches and worries are nothing by comparrison. Having a child that all who have studied scripture tell tell you is going to hell is not only a worry of their wellbeing day to day but a spiritual fear as well. That is also a fear that many straight christians don't face on a daily basis. They are issues I have never had to face with my kids. It touched me deeply and made me think of my kids and the blessing of not having to deal with some of the issues you have to deal with. You were wonderful. Tiff