Ok, its not the "come here big daddy" kinda sexy man, he has a great story to tell. All this time I had been all about Hillary, only for the reason that she is a woman and I think a woman president would say "times have changed" much stronger than a black president.
I am very exited about the republican convention, I hope they stick to "how are they going to change things" more so than "why Obama is not the right person". I really liked the part when Obama said "it is clear that we, democrats republicans McCain, we all love america and that is why we are here today". I feel it is always better to tell people what your plans are rather than why the other person is not the right one for the job. I think we can all agree something has to change, I need a job within the year and things are not looking good for research under the current presidency.
Ok I guess he is also the "come here big daddy" sexy kinda man but that is a different post LOL.
So I have a question:
Are you going to watch both the republican and democratic convestions, why or why not?
I can't bear to watch political conventions. The only thing I saw was Hillary talking about "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pantsuits". Thought that was amusing. But I'm more of a get to the point kind of person. I'll find a website or publication that compares the candidates issue by issue, before I'll spend 5 minutes watching any of them give speeches.
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich