Ugh... not me. Get this blasted week over with already! I'm due back at work tomorrow night and I'm actually looking forward to having something to do. This week has been long, miserable, and hot!
Actually, that's been the case all month.
I'm ready for August to just be a bad memory. David (my roommate) will be back from his summer internship in Seattle in a little over a week and I can't wait to have someone around to actually talk to again. I constantly feel like my mood is going to be so much better once this summer is over... I'm hiding out in the shadows til I smell autumn in the wind...
Hi all! I have spent almost the entire day working on a slideshow presentation for the girl who is leaving the youth department. She'll be spending 2 months in Africa working with AIDS orphans. I used the song "Shine On" by Mercy Me and have been obsessing over getting the pictures in just the right order for the right one to come up at just the right moment in the song. By the way, I LOVE the Mac for this stuff!! I've had to have a little help, but basically it's click & drag!!
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich