So yesterday was good! I woke up around 10 and was meeting a friend to go look for houses with him and we couldn't find the list that his realator emailed him and so we skipped to plan B. We went shopping! After the mall, we went to see Iron Man at Studio Movie Grill then we decided to drive down to glaveston and we took a nice loooong walk on the beach. It was nice.
Then this morning I woke up early and did some stuff around the house and now Im at mom and dads doing laundry :)
"Sex in the city" was great, wow producers really let them selves go not having to make something for tv, yes very nice surprises. So girls night out was very fun. At the moment I am at work, I should be on my way home in about an hr for some good old fashioned laundry and bathroom cleaning.
Yesterday I went shopping for Jake's bday present. I ended up getting a basket, and buying a bunch of different candles and fragrances to put in it...and then put candy around the sides and in the middle. He is going to like it . Today I just went to Walmart and got some food. I still have 25 lbs to lose and I'm trying to not give up. My hunger is going away and I am able to control my appetite better, so that's good. Well...I'm taking a nap. I hope everyone has a great day!