Good morning, all. It's a strange cool day here in Houston, down in the 50s. Can't decide if I want to stay in and do some of the inside stuff I really need to do, or convince Teddy to take advantage of the cool weather & go get more dirt for the flower beds. Or maybe I'll just sit in my recliner all day and watch movies. What do you think?
Tell me your plans for the weekend. I know Thomas is going to be studying and writing. What else are you folks up to?
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
Lol, about to knock out another paper today. I am getting dressed and about to eat now,lol. I actually feel confident in myself today that I can get everything done for school. Registration is next week too. I'll let you know(for fun facts lol) as soon as I know it. Well...I gotta go eat and then get started on my A&P science review paper. It's over the effect of hypertension medicine and dementia, yay! lol. Have a great day all. Oh mama lisa! Just to let ya know again, and if u get bored, tonight at 5:07(central) the tigers(my team at Memphis!) face off UCLA in San Antonio. Not gonna watch it all...but some of it. Cya laters!!