Good morning, all! I'm playing hooky from church. I think it was after 3:00am before I fell asleep. I woke up at 10:00, but just didn't feel like scrambling to get to 11:00 service. So I'm doing laundry.
Finally wrapped a few gifts last night so now our tree isn't bare bottomed! This year we went for quality, not quantity, so there aren't too many under there. I'll have to fight the desire to go buy more!!!
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
I played "hooky" from church today, too. But it's because both my mom and me have been wiped out by this TERRIBLE flu bug that has come here and WON'T leave! ARGH!!!
I think that I'll do some gift-wrapping today, too...
Now let me see here...colored paper...silver ribbons...and a CHAINSAW...