Hee hee....Twas what I thought as I typed in the date. Been busy the past couple of months, will try to be a much better poster-boy (for what I have no idea).
Doing good though. John and I are fantastical!!! Life couldn't get much better, cept for not being with my boys as often as I would like. (anyone know where I can get dirt cheap plane tickets so that I can see my boys more?)
Be yourself!!! Don't try to fit into someone else's mold, you won't fit!!! And that just leads to utter misery!!! Live life to it's fullest in Christ's love every day!!!
Lol,I just can't catch on to the "House" fling. I'm becoming a nurse and if I had to deal with a doctor like that...well,I'd probably lose my job lol. He is good at what he does...but why can't he be nicer?? Anyways...I'm in history class and it starts in like 10min. Afterwards going to exercise. Well...I hope everyone is ok. I am praying you Lisa...and also, Tim...good to have you leave a post!! I love you all and i will talk to ya'll later!