Some of you guys might have remembered I tried to get some of you on our road trip to sing along to a song from Disney's High School Musical, "We're All In This Together."
I came acrossed a good article about HSM, that's is short for High School Musical, at Planet Out... it really fits the my thoughts... I think the article captures a lot of why I love it so much... is because it is the High School experience I couldn't have as a gay teenager--since I was repressing my sexuality then...
While I was there I also came across a very good article/interview Jason & DeMarco... and I really LOVED and totally agreed with a lot of what they said... especially about their theology and the use of the word "Christianity"
I have had this private discussion with Jason & DeMarco and their scheduler/agent Julie Alexander... but this is the first time I have seen them say it in public publication... Good for them!
I am sharing the link to both articles... and the quote from the J&D interview below... Have a great holiday weekend... IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN HSM, and or HSM2 ... you really should... The new one... is incredibly... they end HSM2 on a song that uses the music of "oh happy day" with different Lyrics about Keeping the Faith... Everyday.... oh, every day!
Chorus Everyday of our lives Wanna find your there Wanna hold on tight Gonna run, while we're young And keep the faith Everyday from right now Gonna use our voices and scream out loud Take my hand Together we will celebrate (celebrate) Oh, Everyday
Jason: Everybody tries to take us too seriously. They assume because of what "Christian" means -- that we are right along those same lines. Even the term "Christian" -- and we have had to be careful about this -- but I don't even like the term any more . . . I just say I am a spiritual person . . . because our own theology does not line up with what Christianity is today. We come from a Christian foundation, so that what we model our lives after are the words of Christ. Some people say. "I don't think you should not call your selves Christian," but we need to take that word back . . . but that's a whole other discussion. I am a spiritual person and my foundation is Christianity.
(I underlined and bolded the above for emphasis... that is the part that I really agree with... Although... I think it goes beyond the term Christianity... but Spritituality... WE need to Reclaim that too... Especially in the Gay community. Thanks for letting me share. Hope everyone has a safe, fun and relaxing Labor day weekend. Hugs, Jerry
Big Hugs!Blessings of Love, Joy, Peace & Health-Physical, Mental & Spiritual, jerry
"Who walks a road with love, will never walk that road alone." -Charles Thomas Davis
I agree 100%! We need to take back, not just the term "Christian", but ALL of Christendom from the crazy and hate-filled religious fanatics (Pat Robertson, Fred Phelps) that have hijacked American Christianity and turned it into the American version of the "Taliban".
As for HSM2...I just don't get what all of the noise is about. I guess I'm not that much into musicals anymore.
I agree 100%! We need to take back, not just the term "Christian", but ALL of Christendom from the crazy and hate-filled religious fanatics (Pat Robertson, Fred Phelps) that have hijacked American Christianity and turned it into the American version of the "Taliban".
As for HSM2...I just don't get what all of the noise is about. I guess I'm not that much into musicals anymore.
OMG!!! Does this mean that I'm "going straight"?
Thanks for your comments Jeffrey... yes, I think you should be very afraid... I think you are turning str8.... wow... not into muscials... watched Sound of Music last night for the 10,000th time of ABC Family channel... and cried just as much as I did the first time I saw it... You know I don't know a lot about show tunes... and I always was afraid someone was going to take away my pink card... my friend Will threatened to take away my card because I had never seen some movie with Roseylan Russell (sp?) Auntie Mame or something like that about a little boy who was probably a little gay in training... who spent a lot of time with his aunt... I forget the details... but he had us over and we wore beads and everything to watch it...
But HSM... if you read the article at planet out... to me is about A high school experience (teenage years) where everyone is free to be themselves... jocks, geeks, wiz kids, flamboyant "sissie-like," drama kids, band kids, etc., could all interact and be friends and accept one another without harrassment... and if anyone did make a deal about difference... a nicely choreographed song and dance number would fix it all... and the whole school would realize---LIKE WE WOULD HOPE THE ENTIRE WORLD WOULD REALIZE IN REAL LIFE---that "We're All IN this Together"...
Plus who can not enjoy the toe tapping young, innocence of cute, sexy young guys and girls for that matter with the lust and passion for life and the innocence and naivity that all we need to do is TALK and we can resolve our differences...
It is a fantasy... but it is a FANATSY that deep down, all of us who are different wishes very much would be more of reality in our world today.
Hugs, Jerry
Big Hugs!Blessings of Love, Joy, Peace & Health-Physical, Mental & Spiritual, jerry
"Who walks a road with love, will never walk that road alone." -Charles Thomas Davis