My mom and I are FINALLY getting to move into a better neighborhood!
The rent is a little higher, but with my job we should be able to make it.
Pray for a good and EASY move!
Also, can you pray for me. I had a BAD anxiety attack yesterday that lasted all day long and I had to miss work because of it. I can't afford to miss much more work days. I am reading a book by Lucinda Basset about overcoming panic attacks and it's helping me some. Prayers would be most helpful. Thanks!
Moving day has been POSTPONED to NEXT TUESDAY! While this upsets my mom a little bit, it's actually a good thing because that day and the next are my days off. All we have to worry about now is finding a moving van to rent. This will be hard because, believe it or not, a LOT of our neighbors are moving out of the same apartments around mine because of the same problems: drugs, too noisy, ants, etc. Hopefully, this will convince our old landlord to make some throwing out the suspected drug dealers that live here!!!
ANOTHER DELAY! Moving day is now SATURDAY! We are currently paying $15. A DAY to live here in our "old" apartment. This is coming out of our deposit. Anymore delays and it will take a WHOLE paycheck just to bring the deposit back to its original thousand dollars. This is becoming serious and is stressing both me AND my mom. Pray for help to come...from SOMEWHERE!
Rebecca will have to have a tonsilectomy later on. She goes back to Cincinnati Children's Hospital in a couple of weeks for more poking and probing and testing. They say that considering all that she's been through, she's strong enough to have the trake taken out a little while after the tonsilectomy.
We moved in about a week ago, but I just NOW got my internet provider to switch me to the new address! So I am very sorry for the delay!
We have moved into our new little apartment (it's smaller than the old one) and into a much better neighborhood. Now I can go to work without worrying about my mom's safety.
As for the incident at work, the guy is STILL working. I have decided to forgive him, especially since he has his own health problems, but if he throws coffee at me again, or does any other kind of assaulting me, I WILL FIGHT BACK!!!
Thank you for praying for us! It has been a VERY trying month and when it comes to the bills, we're not out of the woods just yet. So, please keep us in your prayers!
Also, I have my new job transfer! I start this Saturday're not going to believe this...
Also, can you pray for the one that threw hot coffee in my face? He is in the hospital for emphazema. It still hurts what he did to me, but I want to be forgiving and say a prayer for him, as Jesus told us to do.