I would like to request prayers for my neighbor Carrie, she is so friendly and outgoing and i have been missing her around the apartment complex lately, but thougth perhaps she was on vacation. Today I asked her wierd husband If Carrie was okay and he said she was in a lot of pain... that she has Shingles Virus on her face.. and is really suffering... so this must be physically and emotionally hard for her... because she has had to stay indoors out of the heat...and I am sure she is going crazy not having people to talk to... cause she loves to talk with everyone... she is always so polite and kind... Her husband is kind of strange and very quiet... they met on the internet... so I don't think he talks much.
So, Please pray for her that she will get better soon...
Also, please pray for me... I have been having lots of lower back and right leg pain... and My right leg has started cramping on me really bad into the bone... and I don't know what is going on... I want to resolve this before I go on my trip to Walt Disney World to be with my sisters, nieces & nephews... because I want to enjoy it ... and not have them worry about me...
Thanks. Love & Hugs, Jerry
Big Hugs!Blessings of Love, Joy, Peace & Health-Physical, Mental & Spiritual, jerry
"Who walks a road with love, will never walk that road alone." -Charles Thomas Davis
Praying......not to put a damper on your trip, but as a neuro nurse, your pain sounds like the symptoms of a ruptured disc....I hope it isn't so, becouse there is no easy fix. I will pray that you find relief soon.
Be yourself!!! Don't try to fit into someone else's mold, you won't fit!!! And that just leads to utter misery!!! Live life to it's fullest in Christ's love every day!!!
Thanks Tim... I should have gone to get my MRI a couple weeks ago on my back... I did have a ruptured disc, or leaky disc or something in my lower back 3 or 4 years ago, from an injury... and they told me I would be vulnerable.
MY Nurse Practioner... thinks it is possible I am reacting to a new supplement I added... so se are trying to remove it... and see if the pain goes away... btw, the leg pain is lower leg... no pain from hip to knee... it is from knee and into the calve and the bones surronding the calve muscle and only on the right side.
If not better by Monday... I think I wil l try to get an MRI of the back and the leg.
Thanks... I am going to make it to my trip though... my we have been planning for almost a year... and my nieces, nephews and sisters are really looking forward to spending time with me... and I with them... I can fall apart when I get home...
Hugs, Jerry
Big Hugs!Blessings of Love, Joy, Peace & Health-Physical, Mental & Spiritual, jerry
"Who walks a road with love, will never walk that road alone." -Charles Thomas Davis
Help Jerry and his friend with their ailments. The enemy of their souls is attacking them, so send your healing angels to be upon them and protect them as you deliver them THROUGH this time of trial. Reassure them both of your eternal love for them. Make them stronger and better than before. For in your blessed Son's name, I pray. Amen.
UPDATE: My friend Carrie is doing some better... at least she is able to get out of the house some... Thanks for your prayers... We all have to be very careful.
We are having SEVERE heat warnings, (excessive heat & humidity) and yesterday we had a flash flood watch!... so the heat and humidity is not good for either Carrie or my condition... I just wished we would get rain... but we don't usually get rain before November.
My MRI said I had two disc bulges... one between the L1 & L2 and another one between the L2 & L3... I have scheduled an appointment with physical therapy next week... to see if they can help... by giving me some exercises, stretches, etc., that I can do to improve this and reduce the pain...
I went to the chiropractor today for my upper back and my TMJ (grinding jaws); I did not want him to adjust my lower back... so he put electrical stimulation on the lower back... which is really good for inflammation.
The Chiropractor said from the MRI report... the size of the bulges.. he said the bulge isn't that big... IT was the first time in my life that I was glad to hear that MY BULGE wasn't too big... Hehe hehe...
He said a lot of folks have these, but I will see what the physical therapist say next week... and I am also going to have them draw my blood to check for Arthritis next week when I go for my regular Infusions... some of the leg pains may be arthritis... giving the heat and humidity....
So thanks for your prayers... Hopefully if I get some exercises and stretches... I will be just fine... I am taking some homeopathic medicine for back and leg pain... it is helping some.
LOVE & Hugs, Jerry
Big Hugs!Blessings of Love, Joy, Peace & Health-Physical, Mental & Spiritual, jerry
"Who walks a road with love, will never walk that road alone." -Charles Thomas Davis
thanks Jeffrey... it is very painful, it causes all kinds of pains... head, neck, face, ear, teeth and if a person doesn't wear mouth guard can destroy one's teeth...
I think Lisa has it too... And the worst part is there is no cure... Surgery only creates more problems... the only thing you can do is wear mouth guard while sleeping... which is so romantic... NOT.... not sure what I will do if I get into a relationship... I guess my partner will have to get use to it...
and you can go to chiro or PT for manual manipulations to try and relieve some of the pressure... BUT The oral surgeon I talked to told me Surgery is a big mistake... because the downsize is almost 100% guaruntee of arthritis in the jaw later in life after the surgery.
So, thanks for the prayers... for me, Lisa, and all who suffer from TMJ... the best thing anyone can do who has it... is go to a dentist and get a fit mouth guard made to protect the teeth and minimize its affects during sleep.
Hugs, JErry
Big Hugs!Blessings of Love, Joy, Peace & Health-Physical, Mental & Spiritual, jerry
"Who walks a road with love, will never walk that road alone." -Charles Thomas Davis
... the best thing anyone can do who has it... is go to a dentist and get a fit mouth guard made to protect the teeth and minimize its affects during sleep.
And cough up a minimum of $600!!
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
... the best thing anyone can do who has it... is go to a dentist and get a fit mouth guard made to protect the teeth and minimize its affects during sleep.
And cough up a minimum of $600!!
My first one didnt' cost me that much... of course it was about 10 years ago... it cost me $300 .... but also, the crazy thing is... once you get you health insurance check out your benefits... my insurance will pay for a doctor's visit or Denist office visit (I do NOT have dental insurance--but major medical insurance)--and I haven't checked it recently because the last mouth guard I got for free at the COUNTY HEALTH Deptartment Dental Clinic which is free for HIV positive persons who have low income... when we have the funds... some times we dont' have enough funds and we have to restrict the services at the clininic to basic dental only... but HERE is the crazy part about my old insurance (now my secondary, since Medicare is now my primary)... My Insurance would pay for the Diagnostic visit and exam and it would pay for CORRCECTIVE surgery... which I stated earlier... MOST GOOD oral surgeons disourage because risks outweigh the possible benefits... but IT would not pay for the mouth gaurd... crazy huh? The surgery would cost a minimum of $3-6,000 and the mouth guard would cost between $275-$600... doesn't make sense... huh
HOWEVER, one thing you can do... IF you don't have insurance, or your insurance will not cover TMJ mouth guards... YOU can go to Drug Stores like Target, Kmart or Walmart and get a mouthguard called the Physicians Night guard or Mouth guard... You have to fit it yourself and it take work... you have to heat it with boiling water... then set it by putting in your mouth and bitting down and then cooling it by putting in cold water then ice water... and lastly trim off and smooth any rough edges... The 2 main things that he mouth guard does is it 1. protects the teeth from grinding against each other wearing off the enable and breaking teeth; and 2. it helps to keep the jaws seperated while you sleep so that you don't clinched them or grind them... therefore keeping you from getting a stiff neck which can cause migraines, neck aches and other severe head, neck and shoulder pains.
From Dr. Lail... I really should be careful practicing medicine without a license... but I have spent so much of my life in doctors offices and hospitals and doing medical research... that a lot of people rely on me for referrals and resources... I don't know it all... and I wished I were young enough AND healthy enough to go to medical school... because if I were... I would go become a MD specializing in Psychoneuroimmunology pronounced PSYCHO- NEURO- IMMUN- OLOGY
The study of the mind body connection in the healing process.
Love & Hugs, Jerry
Big Hugs!Blessings of Love, Joy, Peace & Health-Physical, Mental & Spiritual, jerry
"Who walks a road with love, will never walk that road alone." -Charles Thomas Davis
I tried one of those mouth guards once, but ruined it when I bit down too hard after boiling it. We got Amy one several years ago from a dentist and it was $625, but that included several months of follow ups and adjustments. I called another dentist recently and they wanted $900 for theirs! Maybe someday...
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich