Day 3 of a 4 day mini vacation. Nothing planned today, but to sit around. I am going to prep a london broil to grill tonight. Just gunna chilax today.....and spend some time with my honey!!!!!
Be yourself!!! Don't try to fit into someone else's mold, you won't fit!!! And that just leads to utter misery!!! Live life to it's fullest in Christ's love every day!!!
I slept very late today (Teddy finally woke me around 11:20!), then we did some running around. Lunch, WalMart run, Lowes... Just your everyday Saturday kind of thing.
Tonight is Lindsey & Meghan's wedding. With complete dinner & open bar afterward. Should be a lot of fun.
Monday, it's back on the diet!!!
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
Awww...I want to go their wedding! They are a cute couple. Well,I went to bed at 10pm last night...and didn't wake up for 16 hours!! I'm wide awake now but that was ridiculous! lol. I'm going to a coffee shop tonight...well,the main reason is to take a friend cuz she is really depressed and she is upset over her bf(my best friend) and all. So,I will go there with her,get her some coffee,and she will be fine. She has depression and I completely understand what she is going through cuz I have it too. One little thing can set it off...and all you need is someone to hang with you and make you feel better. Well, I'll cya all later. Love you guys mucho!!
We are back from the wedding and it was awesome. It was held in this really old and beautiful theater (we think) called Rockefeller Hall. (Any Houston folks know the history of the place?) Alan & Korey were both attendants (they had 10 total - 5 girls & 5 guys, which stood boy-girl, instead of groomsmen on one side & bridesmaids on the other). Alan had written them a song, and he performed it during the ceremony. That made me a little teary eyed, but at the end, after Lindsey & Meghan walked down the aisle, two of the female attendants that are a couple walked out together, then Korey & Alan walked out together. I lost it then!
After the ceremony, we all moved upstairs to what used to be balconies overlooking the main floor. There was an open bar up there, and waiters & waitresses brought around hors devourers, while the wedding party took pictures. Then we all went back downstairs for dinner, followed by dancing. Bar was still open, by the way!!
It was a wonderful event and we are so glad we went!!
Tomorrow is church, followed by Sunday afternoon nap!!!
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich