Ah, a nice mini vacation. I have the next 4 days off for some needed rest. I'm just gunna take it easy and rest up. Well sort of.
Today I get to go to the dentist and have 2 cavities filled.....yeay....not
other that that I have nothing planned............
Be yourself!!! Don't try to fit into someone else's mold, you won't fit!!! And that just leads to utter misery!!! Live life to it's fullest in Christ's love every day!!!
ugghh!!!!!! my mouf ish numnd. i cand harddly dawk. dey had ta ush exthra numndin sduff do numnd my mouf. ugghhhh!!!! i'mb hundry, bud i cand ead ride now, ugghhh!!!!!
maybee i'll doe do da poolth for a liddle bid ....do dake my mindth off of be-ind hundry.......
Be yourself!!! Don't try to fit into someone else's mold, you won't fit!!! And that just leads to utter misery!!! Live life to it's fullest in Christ's love every day!!!
That is by far the funniest post I've read yet! You had me laughing all by myself in my office. People must have thought I was losing it. Hope your mouf gets to feeling better soon.
Oh thank God, the numbness passed. Taking a dip at the pool helped take my mind off of being hungry. However, Mama and Papa, you can have your heat back....it was 104 today. I was finally able to eat some soft foods at 3:30...yeay!!!! Now I just wait for the soreness from the Novacaine to pass.
Be yourself!!! Don't try to fit into someone else's mold, you won't fit!!! And that just leads to utter misery!!! Live life to it's fullest in Christ's love every day!!!
Lord have mercy!! Is it Friday yet?? It has been a really rough week, and tomorrow I have to sign off on one of my new hires, and I dont think he is going to make it. Oh well, I will let you know tomorrow how it goes. Tim, I am glad you are feeling better!!
Today was a laaazy day. I was home all day on the computer. If I had a pool Tim, I would have been in it all day along with a whole bottle of sun block. It was hot here today too. But really didn't notice cuz I was inside all day. Well,Ill see everyone later. I'm still lazy until bed. Hopefully I'll be in a cleaning mood tomorrow. My stepmom won't be home tomorrow so that is perfect for cleaning...cuz when she is home she is always getting soooo gittery cuz I'm in a cleaning mood. She will ask me to do one thing after the other. She is so lazy...I don't know how she ever was a housewife. Oh wait,actually she always had her kids clean...then when we came along,we were the ones doing it. Anyways,bye all!!
Man, it's good to be home! Margarita at my side... Teddy in the kitchen making his to-die-for augratin potatoes... about to grill some filets...! Life is good!
I was super busy at work again today, but that's a good thing. Our new boss was in again today and we actually got the calendar set for the next 4 months, made decisions about the offices, got rid of some ridiculous furniture that was in one office, and worked really well as a team all day! It's amazing how a good leader makes a difference! Once our last boss (youth director who happens to be married to Korey's sister) made the decision to leave way back in April or May, he pretty much left mentally. They hired another guy that used to work there as an interim youth director, but his strong point is going to the movies! I feel so great about my job now! Yea for me!!!
Oh, and as for that other job I was waiting for for so long... I've never heard another thing about it so I guess it doesn't really exist. But that's okay, I think I'll be going full time where I am before long.
OH, and top of everything else, I don't have to work tomorrow!!! AND we get free food the next two nights!!! Tomorrow is the rehearsal dinner for Lindsey & Meghan's wedding (even though we are not in the wedding, we are invited to the dinner) and the next night is the wedding, followed by a dinner reception and OPEN BAR!!! We are happy people!!!!!
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich