ah've got frrriends in looooow places where the whiskey drrrrowwns n beeerrr chaaases mah bluuuu-oooes aaaawwaay n ah'll be aookay
aaah'm not big on soooocial graaaaces think ah'll sliip on dooown to the OOO-oooaasis ooooh ah've got frrrrriends in loooow plaaacces
luv you guys. no no....i'm not saying that you're low place friends...or or or drunken cowboys...no i'm not calling you names...ah shucks. i luv you guys.
....when I showed up in boots and ruined your black tie affair the last one to know the last one to show I was the last one you'd thought would be there..(something like that.) but I saw the surpise and the fear in his eyes when I raised that glass of champagne
lol...I love that song.
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.