I had one of the most annoying weeks in recent memory!
1) I need to pray for my friend Jsun who's been deployed this week - I'm annoyed because, well, he's deployed, and he does not know (AFAIK) Christ
2) My roommate sent one of his infamous "lovely notes" ordering me to clean my room because he's having a real estate person come over Saturday to take pictures of the house to put it back on the market. I didn't get everything done, unfortunately, but he didn't bother to clean anything up; his room was a complete mess, the living room was all cluttered, dishes were in the sink (they were his), and he left work boots and ladders all over the front lawn! If that weren't enough, he left on Saturday so he wasn't around for the real estate person to come over anyway!! AUGH! And now his parents are here, opening all the windows which shuts off the cooling system in the house so my room is, once again, a sauna, and the rest of the house swarming with flies.
3) A bunch of programmers called me "stupid" and "incapable of doing your work" online again. Not co-workers, just other programmers.
4) The other co-worker/programmer at my freelance job totally wrecked my application I built and blamed ME for it!!
5) I got stood up last night.
Should I be glad I'm at least alive or something? AUGH!
I'm sorry that stuff happened to you, Phil. It does seem sometimes that crap like that happens all at once, making all the more difficult to understand or accept. I'll be praying for you and for your friend, Jsun. What does AFAIK mean?
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
I have had weeks that are full of train wrecks in progress (or already happened), and like you get stood up or hurt in some way. I must agree I feel like giving up. All I can do is call upon the Lord and in the adversity of it all, thank him for my life, my experiences. As I have heard a preacher say, although trials and tribulations come your way, God will not allow you to endure more than you can handle.
If it's any consolation, dude, I have had the worst weekend at work EVER!
Friday, I got sick from heat stroke and had to go home early.
Saturday, it rained on me twice AND I almost quit my job in frustration because I was the ONLY cart pusher in the whole dang store and tried to gather as many shopping carts out of the parking lot in the pouring rain.
Sunday, I had to go home early again, but this time it was because of blisters on my feet. When I asked the management if I could go, they sat me down and told me that they were going to try to put me in the grocery receiving part of the store because, "while you show a determination to get the job done...you are still lacking in productivity." So I am going to be reassigned to a new job AGAIN!
So sorry, Jeffrey! But I can understand! I would die having to work outside! But I'm glad they are going to move you to something else. Sounds like you won't have to worry about rain, and blistering sun, and freezing weather, and idiots driving through the parking lot! What a big compliment that they see your determination. That shows what kind of man you really are. Do you know how many people would have quit after getting that first blister on your foot? You have toughed it out & I'm proud of you!!
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Sounds like it was a bad week for everyone. Lots of people I knew in the Christian and non-Christian goth scene had a horrible week last week as well. Hmmm
I pray things go better for you, as for me.. see next post