Have any of you heard of Dr. Wayne W. Dyer and his teachings? I heard a little bit of him the other day on PBS and I'm very intrigued. But he sounds New Age. Do you know anything about him, and would you recommend his books?
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
Actually, I've bought a book and some CDs of his & I love him!!! His teaching is a little New Age, but it really speaks to my heart. I highly recommend him to anyone!
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
Dr. Dyer has a message that can help augment our faith. As with every writing, we must read with our minds open to God's leading. Dr. Dyer, Dr. Carlsson (Don't Sweat the Small Stuff), Deepak Chopra, and others have helped me understand my own role in my present and future happiness. I read them with an ear tuned to the Spirit's guiding my own spirit.