Last Friday evening, while I was at work, I misjudged a step and my foot fell off from the side of a pallet and I went down on my ankle HARD! I felt some pain, but my feet were already hurting from so much walking around that I just wrote it off as just another pain that would go away on its own with time...
Until last night...the pain was so bad that I cried openly for the last half hour of my job. I went to the doctor today at he said that I had probably sprained my ankle when I fell. The x-rays will be in tomorrow to see how bad it is. I have the next three days off to see how well it heals. Please, pray for a speedy recovery!
Also, the doctor said that I have pretty flat feet and that I might have to go to a foot doctor to get some special shoes to work in. These can cost $130 a pair! This kind of money is hard to come by, so please pray for help and assistance with my feet and work. Thank you!
Aw, I'm sorry, Jeffrey. This job has been both a blessing & a curse for you, huh? Any chance you can move to an inside job there? I'll be praying for you! (As always!!)
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
Be yourself!!! Don't try to fit into someone else's mold, you won't fit!!! And that just leads to utter misery!!! Live life to it's fullest in Christ's love every day!!!
I didn't sprain my ankle, according to the x-rays. I just TWISTED it! It feels better and doesn't hurt as bad as it used to! I can begin work again tomorrow night!
The doctor even said that my blisters were much better, and if they just keep on "hardening up", then I won't have to see a foot doctor about my feet!