Okay, so my boyfriend and I go into Wendys to eat and the music overhead is on as always. On the rock station. Not loud, just playing. A family comes in after us and sits by us too. Suddenly the father asks for the manager and asks to change the station because it is loud and obnoxious music. The manager for some reason, can not change the station or lower it. So, the father says that he should not tolerate having his children listen to unChristian music in a family restaurant and demands for the station to be switched to a religious station or turn it off because, as he ends by saying, after all, we are Christians he concludes. I nearly spit out my biggie french fries in laughter.
I'm so glad the manager did not accommodate him. It's one thing to be a Christian and spread the word, it's another to walk around imposing your way on everyone else.
Lamentation 3:24 The Lord is all I have, and so in him I put my hope.
I remember this one episode of "Cops" where an old lady tells the cops that she is fed up with having to put up with her older sister's harassing her. By the way, the sister was like 90. Anyway, she tells the officer that she doesn't have to put up with her sister's awful tounge-lashing and coarse language because "I don't deserve this treatment because I AM A CHRISTIAN!" And I thought, "HEY LADY! If they nailed your Savior to across, then why do you expect the world to treat YOU any better!"
LOL...I should send that father a few Christian heavy rock CD's I own...will he think that is garbage, too???
I bet he's gonna be the next to file a lawsuit with the ACLU for Wendy's doing some religious discriminatory act on him and his family...*shrugs*
I would have spit out my frosty...I don't like french fries.
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
I've met several people like that father, you just try to grin and bear them.
Be yourself!!! Don't try to fit into someone else's mold, you won't fit!!! And that just leads to utter misery!!! Live life to it's fullest in Christ's love every day!!!
I just have to thank God I never have encounters with people like that. I just have such a low tolerance for people who make Christians look bad-- I'd probably say or do something unkind. Hehe
"I'd place myself... oh... somewhere between Galadriel and Peter Griffin."
I was in a Hobby Lobby store a while back (do you all have Hobby Lobby stores where you are?) It's a chain of craft stores that's owned by a Christian man. They play instrumental hymns in the stores. They also, a while back, elected to close on Sundays so that their employees can spend time in worship and with their families. The lady checking out in front of me was complaining to the clerk (who is just some kid working there) that they are going to lose a lot of business by closing on Sunday. She was kind of snotty about it. As the lady walked away, I told the clerk that I respected Hobby Lobby for their decision and that I didn't think it would affect their business at all.
In a situation like what Steve encountered, I think I would have said positive things to the employee or manager that had been on the receiving end of that man's tirade. Obviously you are not going to change that man's heart by saying anything to him, but you can show kindness - Christian kindness - to someone who's just been treated badly.
That's my story & I'm sticking to it!
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich