I know I am new to this site, and I am really happy that I was introduced to it. Everyone seems really great here. I wanted to ask for your prayers as I have really been burdened with a project. This has been something that has been on my heart for a few years now, and for some reason I felt like I needed to share this with you guys. I have been in the ministry with youth in the past and have a real heart for youth. I am putting together a project targeting all age groups but primarily youth. Below are some of the many things involved in the project. I would like everyones prayers, as this has become an increasing burden for me, and I know I need to respond to Gods calling concerning this project. I am not asking anyone for money...please dont misunderstand. That is what all the millionaires are for! This is just a preliminary game plan. It is an internet outreach based organization where the realization of sexual diversity ceases to be seen as an end ... but a beginning.
1) To raise money to help fund a project that would concentrate on helping youth, high school, or adult aged people, who are struggling with the issue of homosexuality and Christianity, to realize that they are loved.
2) Build a website that describes our mission statement, and allows for email response, links to other websites, possibly even a chat venue on down the road.
3) Reach out to the community through youth centers, churches, and other organizations, with special events, and special guest speakers.
4) Build up a group which would be small group Bible studies that bring together individuals who are faced with the sames challenges of overcoming their fear and realizing they are loved.
5) To stop the coutless numbers of youth who are so torn and hurt that the only way they think they can escape is to take their own life.
6) To eventually go into the fundamental churches and offer our project to them.
Ok...sorry this is so long. Just please everyone pray for me as I try and figure out my next steps.
Sounds like a massive undertaking-- but really necessary. Since so many gay people get their information from the internet (often due to being closetted) it's absolutely vital that there be as many loving/affirming websites as possible for gay Christians.
Praying for your ministry and all others like it,
"I'd place myself... oh... somewhere between Galadriel and Peter Griffin."
What a wonderful vision. I will pray that God will direct you in each step to reach your vision.
Be yourself!!! Don't try to fit into someone else's mold, you won't fit!!! And that just leads to utter misery!!! Live life to it's fullest in Christ's love every day!!!
Brother David here is in need of all the help that you can give him. You have given him a vision for helping to bring other GLBT people to the Lord and having open and non-judgmental fellowship with one another. Bless him with all that he needs to fulfill this vision. Give him the finances and the technical know-how and the good people to do this mission. He is a wonderful new member of our little group, and I would love to see You bless him in every way possible. Show the world that You love us gay Christians by putting Your hand of favor upon him and guiding him in his "fields that are ready for harvest". For in Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.