I'm an old-timer, and strictly use King James. However, every time I go to the bookstore, there are more and more versions of the Bible available, and it becomes overwhelming as to what version to get.
Where do you draw the line between the Word of God, and the word of man? How do you differentiate the two? I feel that man is translating God's word--just to fit the lives of those that would like to live the easy route...and I guess to mold God to fit their lives, instead of molding themselves to fit what God wants....
Anyway, yeah...that's my opinion. I guess I'm just confused.
Goodnight all! *christian hugs* Darrel
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
I have a King James version and a St. Jerome Edition. I like both, but prefer the St. Jerome Edition and the St. Jerome Edition includes the Apocrypha.
Lamentation 3:24 The Lord is all I have, and so in him I put my hope.
According to current scholarship, the NRSV is the most accurate English translation of the Bible. The only changes to the text are like changing the word "brothers" to "brothers and sisters" but they include a footnote that the original text is "brothers."
My favorite thing about the NRSV is that they sometimes include a footnote to say the meaning of the original word is uncertain. I like that they actually ADMIT when there's a word nobody knows anymore, in stead of just making a decision that fits their own beliefs (ahem, NIV).
...but when it comes to music, setting a text to music I mean, I'd prefer the beautiful King James text. It's gorgeous, and I love archaic english. It's just that the KJV isn't very accurate for study purposes.
"I'd place myself... oh... somewhere between Galadriel and Peter Griffin."
I admit I like the NIV. It's easy to read and understand. But we use NRSV in our pews at church. To be honest, I don't think we will ever have one that is more "right" than the others. Just because it used "thee" & "thou" doesn't make it more accurate. Too many human hands in the mix! (IMHO)
By the way, CUTE picture there, Chris!!
Grace is the acceptance of that which is rejected. ~Paul Tillich
I prefer the NKJV and the KJV. I like to read paraphrase versions, too. My faves of them is the Living Bible and the NLT. The Message is okay, but a little TOO "folksy" for my tastes.
I'd have to question a website that places the KJV as a "more literal" translation than the NRSV. I mean, the KJV is pretty, but it's really inaccurate. The people in charge of the website are probably quite conservative evangelical protestants.
The background historical information they supplied for each translation was helpful, but I wish they had provided REASONS for their ranking. I mean, for example, they state quite plainly that the one person (!) who translated the Amplified Bible stuck in a lot of "helpful phrases" to expand the text and make it more understandable--- but then they place it as one of the very highest in terms of word-for-word accuracy. What?
"I'd place myself... oh... somewhere between Galadriel and Peter Griffin."
I'd have to question a website that places the KJV as a "more literal" translation than the NRSV. I mean, the KJV is pretty, but it's really inaccurate.
SIR! I cannot stand for this OUTRAGE! Don't you know that the KJV is even BETTER than the original Hebrew and Greek! Why, how can ANYONE doubt the infalibility of the good old AUTHORIZED VERSION of the sacred scriptures! Why it was translated by a good [and possibly GAY] king of jolly old ENGLAND! Why else would it be named "The KING JAMES Version"? Old church goers NEVER LIE, do they?
(by the way...you look downright CUTE in your picture! )